
<p>Eh. I mean, c'mon, at least include the top 20 law schools, or the top 14, or the top 10, or at the very, very least, the top 3.</p>


<p>Dude, you go to Berkeley, right? You're already IN. Just don't let it slip that you're a philosophy major. That is the kiss of death with the ladies unless your name is A.J. Ayer.</p>

<p>By the way, on my way to work every day here in the Motor City, I drive down the infamous 8 Mile Road. Right next to the City Heat strip club there is a big blue-and-white sign for "U.C. Berkeley Extension." I'm 100% serious. Anybody know what the heck would prompt somebody to spend thousands of dollars on a sign like that in that location?</p>