Ivy League Chances

<p>applied SCEA to Yale, and am looking at all the ivies plus:</p>

University of Cal - Berkley
University of Chicago
Univ. Michigan - Ann Arbor
John Hopkins</p>

<p>lots, eh? Ill probably narrow it downa bit by app time, and this will help me do it...</p>



unweighted: 4.0
weighted: 4.7358
Class Rank: 1 out of 503; top 500 high schools in the world
SAT Scores: Composite: 2160, Math: 740, Reading: 700, Writing: 720
ACT: Composite: 33, English: 35, Math:34, Writing: 34, Science: 29
SAT II: Literature: 690, Math I: 720, Math II: 730
AP Scores: AP Calculus AB: 5, AP English Language: 4 (Self studied)
IB Scores: Social/Cultural Anthropology SL: 6</p>

<p>Current Schedule:
IB HL Math (like Calc BC)
IB HL English IV
IB HL Biology III
IB HL History of the Americas
Advanced topics in Math (Math Team class)
IB Theory of Knowledge (no level)
IB SL Spanish V</p>


<p>-Founder/President, Art for All: Organization made and run by students to provide underpriveledged and mentally handicapped students with artistic means of expressing themselves. Grades 11-12
-President (gr.12), Secretary (gr.11) Drama Troupe (gr.9-12)
-President (gr.12), Team A (gr.9-12) Math Team (gr.9-12)
-Vice President (gr.12) NAtional Honor Society (gr.9-12)
-35+ shows with local childrens theatre, including 20+ leading roles
-Masterminds (brain bowl...) Team A gr.11-12
-Inlet Magazine columbist gr.10-12
-Yearbook Copy Editor gr.12</p>

-National Merit Scholarship commended Student (PSAT score: 203, top in school)
-Regional Student of the Month (first in county for 2008) gr.12
-2nd place mathematics division regional science fair, 5th at states: Project: Assessing the role of Phi and the Fibonacci Numbers in Nature
-Citizen of the month, grade 9
-3 superiors at district level, 3 excellents
-All Star cast (top 10 actors) at Disctrict one acts, grade 11 - Directed show that came in 4th place (compared to previous year, 22nd place)</p>

<p>Community Service:
-Art for All: 50 documented hours, app.50 hours not documented (Self work and organization)
-Humane Society: 50 Hours
-Riverside Childrens theatre: Technical work and teaching younger students drama, 100 hours documented.
-Junior Marshall (at school) - 10 hours</p>

-Published 4 times (3 short stories, one poem); 1 playscript in publication (Brooklyn Publishers)
-Extensive research on Phi and the Fibonacci numbers, specifically in humans and teeth; discovered new pattern in fibonacci sequence and new aspects of Phi
-Job; Camp Counselor/drama teacher, summer part time; Total time worked: 160 hours</p>

<p>Intended major: Mathematics</p>

<p>My SAT scores just arent up to par with several of the big schools... help? :(
Essays are solid, but Im worried about my test scores and my EC's and Awardscould be better... comments?</p>

<p>Honestly, I’m worried bout your test scores too. Your ACT is close as was that of my oldest with the weakness in science. A month of mastering what the science section needed took him from a 33 to a 35. Have you studied?</p>

<p>For the ACT, I have studied a bit, but I will definately concentrate on that science to bring it up to either a 34 or 35 in december (I have started, but its too late for my SCEA).</p>

<p>UPDATED: </p>

<p>Applied SCEA to Yale, and am looking at all the ivies plus:</p>

University of Cal - Berkley
University of Chicago
Univ. Michigan - Ann Arbor
John Hopkins</p>

<p>lots, eh? Ill probably narrow it down a bit by app time, and this will help me do it…</p>



unweighted: 4.0
weighted: 4.7358
Class Rank: 1 out of 503; top 500 high schools in the world
SAT Scores: Composite: 2160, Math: 740, Reading: 700, Writing: 720
ACT: Composite: 33, English: 35, Math:34, Writing: 34, Science: 29
SAT II: Literature: 690, Math I: 720, Math II: 730
AP Scores: AP Calculus AB: 5, AP English Language: 4 (Self studied)
IB Scores: Social/Cultural Anthropology SL: 6</p>

<p>Current Schedule:
IB HL Math (like Calc BC)
IB HL English IV
IB HL Biology III
IB HL History of the Americas
Advanced topics in Math (Math Team class)
IB Theory of Knowledge (no level)
IB SL Spanish V</p>


<p>-Founder/President, Art for All: Organization made and run by students to provide underpriveledged and mentally handicapped students with artistic means of expressing themselves. Grades 11-12
-President (gr.12), Secretary (gr.11) Drama Troupe (gr.9-12)
-President (gr.12), Team A (gr.9-12) Math Team (gr.9-12)
-Vice President (gr.12) NAtional Honor Society (gr.9-12)
-35+ shows with local childrens theatre, including 20+ leading roles
-Masterminds (brain bowl…) Team A gr.11-12
-Inlet Magazine columbist gr.10-12
-Yearbook Copy Editor gr.12</p>

-National Merit Scholarship commended Student (PSAT score: 203, top in school)
-Regional Student of the Month (first in county for 2008) gr.12
-2nd place mathematics division regional science fair, 5th at states: Project: Assessing the role of Phi and the Fibonacci Numbers in Nature
-Citizen of the month, grade 9
-3 superiors at district level, 3 excellents
-All Star cast (top 10 actors) at Disctrict one acts, grade 11 - Directed show that came in 4th place (compared to previous year, 22nd place)</p>

<p>Community Service:
-Art for All: 50 documented hours, app.50 hours not documented (Self work and organization)
-Humane Society: 50 Hours
-Riverside Childrens theatre: Technical work and teaching younger students drama, 100 hours documented.
-Junior Marshall (at school) - 10 hours</p>

-Published 4 times (3 short stories, one poem); 1 playscript in publication (Brooklyn Publishers)
-Extensive research on Phi and the Fibonacci numbers, specifically in humans and teeth; discovered new pattern in fibonacci sequence and new aspects of Phi
-Job; Camp Counselor/drama teacher, summer part time; Total time worked: 160 hours
-Spent 2 weeks at Harvard campus this past summer with People to People program, and got a credit from Washington University for Leadership for it</p>

<p>Intended major: Mathematics</p>

<p>My essays are solid (my commonapp one is really good, and my supplemental ones are all quite good too), but my SAT scores just arent up to par with several of the big schools… help? :(</p>

<p>You have a good chance at most of these schools…</p>

<p>The only thing that I am afraid of on your application is that a matematics major applicant to Yale, Stanford, and MIT, will have really good (most may be perfect) Math scores on their standarized test scores… Other than that, your scores are impressive…Good Job…
^^^^^The research paper on (Extensive research on Phi and the Fibonacci numbers, specifically in humans and teeth; discovered new pattern in fibonacci sequence and new aspects of Phi) could help you out a lot as a Mathematics Major…Did you win any awards or have you presented this paper to any research organizations on the local, state, or national level…(Would increase your chances of admission by a lot)</p>

<p>Other than that, everything else in your applicantion is good… As for the other schools you have a good chance… I would be suprised if you didn’t get in…</p>

<p>I know that University of Chicago looks a lot on the essays…</p>

<p>Applying to Berkely, if you lived in California would help a lot…I think it may be harder for out of state kids, I don’t know…</p>

<p>yeah, that thing w/ the not perfect SAT math score + extensive math research is…interesting lol. normally i wouldn’t recommend this, but maybe you should consider taking the SATs again?</p>

<p>lol yeah well my research isn’t really in like SAT math but rather theoretical math, and IM taking my SAT II’s again and will study a bit so I will bring those scores up to be considered int he RD pool; as for SAT math, I might retake SAT, but probably not… Definately will retake SAT II’s though</p>

<p>Retake either the ACT or SAT and get 2250+/34+ and I see you getting in everywhere.</p>

<p>ftx: you are right at that and yes I did win state awards and am putting an article in a newspaper about it, but that is about it since it is not yet a completed project. MY math scores should be higher, also right, and I will do my best on that. Thanks for the input :)</p>

<p>Yeah I agree with lipitch.</p>

<p>a 740 on SAT math will hurt you a bit at MIT, but its excusable. however, a 730 on SAT math II will not be looked kindly upon at MIT and the like, and with so many great math majors applying I would predict a reject/waitlist at MIT. The rest of the resume is excellent and it will get you into michigan, johns hopkins, Nwestern, Duke, and maybe stanford.</p>

<p>listen to lipitch :)</p>

<p>I don’t think he has to listen to anyone now.</p>

<p>Good job for reviving a two year old thread.</p>

<p>phipijsl, just out of curosity, if you’re still on cc, where did you get in?</p>