ivy leagues

<p>are all ivy leagues equally difficult to get into? say comparing cornell to harvard. i'm sure therez a clear difference.</p>

<p>Wow, so you just made a new thread about this too after you posted the exact same thing in your other thread?</p>

<p>I'll re-post what I just said:

No, all ivies are the same difficulty to get into even though their acceptance percentages range from 11-25% or so and their average SAT scores and GPAs differ. You obviously already knew the answer, why would you even ask?


<p>hey atmomicfusion i think you need to stop wasting your time chastisinng other people in a indirect aspect. i can see it. and bsides, sometimes people need assertion and confidence and you just need ppeople to tell it you over again so it can go into your head. even though you know what is right and what's fact, you don't really believe it until someone just comes and tells it you cause its easier to believe someone than yourself.</p>

<p>It's also ironical to see that the kids applying to the top schools have such thick skulls</p>

<p>thnx gjwhiddn. yea iwantfood u relly sound very uhmm "SMART" if thts what u want to sound - what with your iwantfood nick. very impressive. should relly get u very far.</p>

<p>vats: I'll write my message just as you would write it. With the correct spelling and all.</p>

<p>vats u jist posstedd dis onn da uther bored, end ur speeling will git u farr in liife. AAnd wat an impresiv sn vats so kreative</p>

<p>Someone obviously didn't win the National Spelling Bee.</p>

<p>lol smear thnx for the spelling help. ure attitude will get u very far. well done!:D</p>

<p>eeeek! fight!!!!!</p>

<p><em>ducks for cover</em></p>
