Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>@doublehot chocolate…dont worry too much.Your academics are really solid and thats what really matters,that low SAT score will be forgiven.@Ahoy when did you send in the finaid stuff?</p>

<p>^^ Like during December. :slight_smile: I think I’ll hear from them shortly…</p>

<p>I was also accepted here at Jacobs Bremen, but I’m looking for more information about the school. It sounds like a good school, but is it better than schools like University of Michigan or Ohio State University in the United States? Is the campus nice? Is the environment good?</p>

<p>Jacobs has an amazing,highly modernised campus.The student body is intelligent and motivated,and they come from all over the world.I wouldnt go to Ohio State over Jacobs,the quality of education at Jacobs is world class.</p>

<p>Quick Question:
I am in the fourth semester of my university.
If I apply as a freshman, would it increase my chances of admission? What about financial aid?
I really need advice. and fast.</p>

<p>^^ University? That makes you a Sophomore. Ok… IT will increase your chances but you will lose a lot of years. I’m not sure of Transfer financial aids. Check out their website.</p>

<p>But I’ll tell you to complete your bachelors and go in as Masters.</p>

<p>yup sophomore. But its a three year program. I’ll lose a year. I also heard that Jacobs really puts one in a lot debt. Just wondering how bad would that be?</p>

<p>What you heard is cent percent true. Except in some rare cases, almost all the financial aid consist a LOT of loan at Jacobs!!!</p>

<p>^^ True!! Has anyone got their financial aid letters?</p>

<p>@Ahoy91: I don’t think my essay’s good enough. Do you wanna have a look? :)</p>

<p>@macmill: I hope so but I’m afraid thats not the case because from what i heard, US-based universities do look at students’ SAT scores very seriously); Is the admission result for round2 very likely to be announced by the end of March? </p>

<p>Btw, how would you all compare Jacobs University to universities in the UK. I’ve got conditional offer from Sheffield, Nottingham, Birmingham and also Newcastle. Any opinion on UK universities generally? Thank you :)</p>

<p>@doublehotchoco. Yeah…PM it to me. I’ll take a look.</p>

<p>They are awesome univs doublehotchoco. I have heard about Sheffield. Nottingham. Birmingham and Newcastle. They are brilliant.</p>

<p>well. well. well…</p>

<p>I am accepted under the admission of Round I.</p>

<p>And am already awarded 6,000 euro merit scholarship, and am being considered for China scholarship. </p>

<p>I just logged into my application account and saw : Financial aid Package prepared。</p>

<p>and…i just discovered that I reported my family contribution as ’ 1,500 EURO’/YEAR.</p>

<p>OMG. (but as a matter of fact…my parents aint willing to pay for my education. =(</p>

<p>MY STATS:</p>

<p>CR: 670, MA: 730 (indecent score for a Chinese), WR: 700</p>

<p>SAT2: MA: 760 or 740 I cant remember wutever
WORLD HIS: 650 </p>

<p>GPA: our school does not report GPA</p>

<p>EC: 1 year exchange in Germany (actually my first permanent host family was in Bremen and I also attended a normal German high school 12’ class there)</p>

<p>Equestrianism course assistant/ Horse back riding competition volunteer.</p>

<p>Teaching assistant–Chinese AG</p>

<p>and other blah blah blah blah blah…</p>

<p>Academic reference:</p>

<p>TE recommendations from my German teacher and Englisch teacher at my host school.</p>


<p>I sent my German test paper to JUB…(well…I dun know why I did it…)</p>

<p>But now my major concern is that…</p>

<p>Even if I were awarded 18,000 for China scholarship, I would still not be able to pay the rest cuz my parents are …well…</p>

<p>And i am wondering whether these 6,000 euros are counted as part of the 18,000 award.</p>




<p>Sheffield, Nottingham, Birmingham and Newcastle are all established and respected British universities, Jacobs is inferior to virtually all public European universities.</p>

<p>@Reconquesta: There will be grants and loans. So can attend. Don’t worry. They have a need Blind admission policy.</p>

<p>@Dionysus: What are the pros of joining private univ in Germany? Jacobs rank very well in the CHE Rankings and all.</p>

<p>I can’t think of any pros, only cons. According to answers.com (I couldn’t find it featured in any international rankings list) Jacobs is ranked 96th in Germany, and 2109th internationally, not a ringing endorsement I think you’d agree.</p>

<p>I am a freshman at Jacobs University and I must say that my experience thus far has been overwhelmingly positive — both academics and social life. </p>



<p>I don’t think it is fair to judge Jacobs solely by its ranking, because 1) it is still a very young institution (only 10 yrs old) and it takes a long time for any university to achieve international recognition ---- Stanford, the youngest of HYPSM, is still more than 100 years old 2) most universities of such small size (Jacobs is smaller than most LACs, including the master’s and PhD students!) do not fare well in these rankings (just like an informed person would not look down upon Williams or Amherst or Swarthmore simply because of their abysmal international rankings) 3) such rankings are never fully objective and often subject to controversies; topics about university rankings have been beaten to death many, many years ago in cc.</p>



<p>Perhaps I can’t address private universities in general (they are rare in Germany and many are quite different), but I can tell you that my time at Jacobs has been one of the happiest moments in my life. </p>

<p>In terms of academics, classes are small, professors dedicated and passionate, and opportunities abound. I can study two languages, go on geology and oceanography field trips with professors, study irrelevant subjects like Renaissance literature and astrophysics, and take part in cutting-edge research on nanoelectronics under a professor ----- all these despite the fact that I am just a freshman. In fact, our physics professor just brought us to the largest research centre for particle physics in Germany to see the particle accelerators!</p>

<p>Also, Jacobs has a remarkably diverse and inclusive student body. I’ve met and learnt so much from people from countries which I’ve never heard of, and many cultural events are celebrated together by everyone on campus, such as Eid ul-Fitr, Deepavali, Chinese New Year and, of course, the wonderful German Christmas. In fact, I had the strongest alcohol in my life (ţuică) during a cultural event organised by the Romanian students :slight_smile: People at Jacobs are friendly and have interesting stories to tell, which makes one feels really at home. </p>

<p>In terms of future prospect, despite the lack of international reputation, there are Jacobs graduates who are now working for Microsoft, McKinsey & Co, Procter and Gamble, NGOs, etc or have been accepted by grad schools such as MIT, Stanford, Cambridge and Harvard Business School. A friend of mine, a final year student, has been accepted by Oxford and ETH Zurich for his PhD, and he said something along the line that as long as one graduates from Jacobs, it’s a matter of s/he choosing the grad school.</p>

<p>Just my 2 cents.</p>



<p>I’m not, but it’s certainly an indicator that must be taken into account. I don’t accept it’s age as a reason as to why it isn’t well known; if it were truly as good as people in this thread think it is then it would at least have some name recognition. Even within Germany nobody has heard of it. By contrast, Warwick University in Britain enjoys a very good rep in the UK and abroad yet is only 40 years old.</p>


<p>then u r absolutely wrong.
another example might be NYUAD.(Most of those who know NYUAD are on CUUS.com. XDDD )
In Niedersachsen, many people do know about Jacobs Universitaet.</p>

<p>JUB does not make any ‘advertisement’, and it never boasts how wonderful it is.
Those who choose JUB do not really take the so called ranking as the only criteria when deciding to which schools they apply. What many international applicants really cherish is a unique experience, that would not be obtained at home. Another ‘Index’ for selecting colleges is how you are a fit to that college.That might account for why those who got offers from Top 30s but finally chose to enroll at St Johns Univ or some other good but lower-ranked LACs…
Life in Bremen is peaceful, but with lots of '</p>


<p>Well, but sometimes even though they have need blind policy, they might not be able to satisfy your financial need.</p>

<p>For instance, my friend was admitted to Cornell, but she was only able to contribute 20K USD to her education. Then cornell was not able to offer her the rest of money…and finally, she has just been admitted to Kenyon College with 35K FA under EDII</p>

<p>I am not wrong. I’m sure if you were to ask the average German/European to name the best 500 universities in Europe JUB wouldn’t get a mention. </p>


What many international applicants really cherish is a unique experience, that would not be obtained at home. Another ‘Index’ for selecting colleges is how you are a fit to that college.That might account for why those who got offers from Top 30s but finally chose to enroll at St Johns Univ or some other good but lower-ranked LACs…
Life in Bremen is peaceful, but with lots of '</p>