Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!



<p>I did not know that. I’ll definitely look into it. You just might have bumped Imperial up on my list. </p>



<p>You do not agree that the endowments of most American Universities are larger than their British counterparts? I believe that is objective data sir, and not subject to your opinion. I mean if a is bigger than b; a will always be bigger than b regardless of what Dionysus58 thinks! And it is granted, we are comparing public institutions to private ones after all. </p>

<p>Sorry for redirecting the topic once again guys. I still love JUB!</p>

<p>No, I don’t agree with: “I don’t think one can compare Imperial, LSE or UCL to Columbia, Cornell, Penn or Chicago.” Of course US endowments are larger, but I don’t think that counts for very much to be totally honest. Having a dance studio and gym in every accommodation block isn’t going to give you a better education.</p>

<p>for those who were admitted-> can any1 tell me how much they got in their sat???</p>

<p>^ I’d like to know that too.
I have SAT I score of: 760 M, 540 CR, 520 W (Messed up two sections big time. I had to pee :P)
SAT II: 800 Maths 2, 780 Chem, 750 Physics
Whadaya say? Am I on track?</p>

<p>@ kheiron:</p>

<p>You SAT score might not be okay, especially if you have applied for financial aid.</p>

<p>but your SAT2 scores are pretty good, so you still have big chance.</p>

<p>(You are pretty good at math. =D )</p>

<p>And my STATS can be found in page three. (I did really bad on all the maths section of both SAT1 and subject test…)</p>

<p>I heard that this year the application pool is quite competitive and impressive.</p>

<p>Many top students have applied and been admitted.</p>

<p>BTW. I have just received my financial aid package.</p>

<p>My family contribution would be 1,800 euros a year. loan: 5,700 a year.</p>

<p>(And if I get China scholarship, then the loan might be reduced to 2800 or less.)</p>

<p>I am really happy with this offer, and it is the most generous package that I have ever </p>



<p>the average is 700M,6OOCR,600W.At least 2100 should do it.</p>

<p>Quite a big loan reconquista,but I guess its worth it:)So,are you going to Jacobs or the US?</p>

<p>I am going for sure. 4200 Euros Loan per year! EFC 1700 Euros per year.</p>

<p>4500 loan and 2000 EFC…</p>

<p>Darn it. Ok. Here goes a little more detail.
I am from Pakistan. I have 6 A’s 2 B’s in my O’Level. English, Urdu (language), Islamiyat, Pakistan Studies, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Additional Maths (All A’s on 95+ Percentiles).
I have 3 A’s in my A’ Level. Maths, Chem, Physics.
SAT I: 760 M, 540 CR, 520 W
SAT II: 800 Maths-II, 780 Chem, 750 Phy
ECs: Dont want to go into lengths. Chess competitions are my strong point.
Essay: Average in my opinion.
No GPA. School does not rank. But I think my teachers placed me in Top 5% in my recommendation.
I am freshman applicant in Round II. However, I am already in university. And my GPA there is 3.3 with quite a lot of A+'s and <B’s.</p>

<p>As for Fin Aid: I dont think my family can afford much. So I need a lot of aid. Maybe full aid :P. I know its a crapshoot, but I am hoping this Jacob’s thing works out. So, honestly, what are my chances?</p>

<p>BTW, I am applying for Computer Science as my preferred major and Mathematics as my second choice. Not that it makes any difference.</p>


<p>I’m also admitted to several liberal arts colleges in the states and what they offer me are all grant, no work no loan. =.=
But I’v to pay 6000-8000 USD a year. And …to tell the truth, I simply love Germany.
So if my parents consider it okay for me to pay the tuition by myself, i mean the loan, then I will definitely go to Jacobs. (hope that I would be offered a lil bit more scholarship. =D)</p>

<p>But for me , another pros is that I am already quite familiar with dem leben in Deutschland.

<p>Anyway, I love the undergraduate programs—concerning much about sociology and intercultural studies. =)</p>

<p>BTW, many american colleges, z.b. Wabash, provide each student (who are financially in need) with app. 5,000 dollars a year and 2000? campus work…
So Jacobs is really very generous and…it is also not that difficult to find a part-time job in a large city like Bremen. (there are even more jobs offered in Hamburg!)</p>


<p>As long as you ask for nearly ‘full aid’, then your SAT I scores do weigh a lot.
But you might try sending the admission office your creative writtings or your academic papers, think that might help. =D</p>

<p>@reconquista I havent gotten my jacobs finaid back yet,just got 9000Euro merit,so will see what it looks like.If Jacobs gives me a full ride,I will seriously consider it.Love Germany too but worried about work after Jacobs =(.@kheiron,unless you wrote a really bad essay,you can consider yourself accepted to Jacobs.</p>


<p>future career is also a serious problem/Q for students at american colleges. </p>

After graduation, one still has lots of chances to get in some top graduate programs. =D</p>

<p>BTW. I’v got so much loan. XDDD</p>

<p>I think future career is quite good after jacobs. I contacted a few seniors who are working in Max Plank, Microsoft and Fraunhoffer Institutes…</p>

<p>@Kherion. Have you given the TOEFL. Because JUB needs at lease 560 on the CR section to waive your English Proficiency Requirement.</p>

<p>580+ actually. But I sent them an email. Two points:

  1. You must have atleast a B in your GSCE. Which I have.
  2. You must have studied 6 years in an English Medium School. Which I have, again.</p>

<p>As far as English is concerned. My SAT Scores are horrible. They don’t reflect my standard at all. I had 2000+ in my prac tests. If only I hadn’t drank too much tea in the morning. We Pakistanis, you know…</p>

<p>^^^ Haha. We Indians also drink a LOT of tea. Like 8 times a day!! Nevermind. But I really look forward to meeting you in Jacobs. All the best!</p>

<p>How many guys have received rejection letters ? </p>

<h1>just asking.</h1>

<p>Any idea when will the round 2 decisions be out?</p>