James Madison Audition Day

@DramaLove2020 – Looking forward to seeing you at JMU in November 9!

The audition day includes an info/q&a session, tours of the Forbes Center and the Wayland Hall Arts Living Learning Community dorm, a group dance audition which is jazz based, and the singing/acting portion, which is also where there is a brief interview.

If you audition for BOTH Muaical Theatre and Theatre you will also participate in the Theatre info/q&a session, and audition and interview with the Theatre faculty.

There are current students on hand to assist you, and answer questions.

Please do not hesitate to reachout with additional questions.

I have a question about the SlideRoom if someone can answer - in the Slideroom there is a space for “additional media” . I am wondering if the expectation is that you upload some of your video here ? Songs, monologues, Wild Card? I am unclear if it is just supplementary ( that’s what it says) or if I should upload something that I am using for my prescreens?

Hi @DramaLove2020 – we use the same slideroom application for both Theatre and Musical Theatre applicants. Some of the Theatre major areas ask for supplemental materials. Musical Theatre applicants are not required to upload additional media, but are welcome to do so if they would like. These can be anything that a student wants to share to enhance their application materials. Please do not hesitate to reach out with additional questions.

Great - thank you!

Hi, just a question about the time frame for the audition in NYC on 1/19. Would we be making an appointment so that we could come in later in the day or would we need to be there very early in the morning. Thanks for any info!

Is anyone auditioning on 11/9?

Son is auditioning for JMU at Moonifieds, and fingers crossed. He submitted academic app already and is very excited about this program!

@MTSthistime sorry I missed your post. In NYC auditionees will be able to choose an open time slot between 10am and 6PM on the day they audition. The dance call for BOTH the 18th and 19th is in the evening of the 19th, but if an auditionee cannot make the dance call work, they can upload a dance video to their slideroom application. Please let me know of you have any additional questions.

My D is auditioning this weekend at JMU - we got an email with the info regarding come dressed for the dance call and then you will change for your audition/interview etc. You will be given a time for this upon check in. The time is 10-6 pm ( I think, or close to that). What I am wondering is once you do your part, then you are free to leave? And how long is each audition slot ? 10 minutes, longer , ? She loves the full day auditions versus a quick two minutes but I am Just trying to be prepared as my husband is taking her and he keeps asking me a LOT of questions! This is one of her top choices - it’s an academically strong school, (she’s ranked 10th in her class so I would prefer she go somewhere slightly academic : ) and it’s not too far away and she has worked with a director and choreographer in community theatre who graduated from there and speak so highly of the program. I am hopeful it goes well but want to be prepared!

@KatMT , thank you! We also sent an email and found out that we would be able to choose a later time and are registered for 1/19. Very excited!

@Melanie97 – the audition day will consist of a dance call, information session, optional tours of the Forbes Center, and the Wayland Hall Arts Living Learning Community, and the acting/singing audition/interview. If she is auditioning for both Theatre and Musical Theatre she will also have a Theatre audition/interview.

When she finishes her acting/singing audition she will be done for the day. Depending on her individual schedule she could be done as early as 1PM, and as late as 6:30PM.

Please let me know of you have additional questions.

@KatMT - thanks that is helpful. She is auditioning for both! I’ll tell my husband to bring his book! Or a few : ). She will be thrilled to spend the whole day if it comes to that - he will be exhausted #histurntoobad!

DD auditioned today at JMU for both MT and Theatre - she had a great time and loved it there! She said the process was so much fun and everyone was so nice. She sang both her songs, they asked her a bunch of questions and she was asked to stay after for the dance portion so she felt like that was a good sign?! She did the theatre audition as well but has her heart set on MT. She said the dance part was challenging and felt like that would be a huge plus to the program. The voice part they worked with her on some warm ups and some other things and I guess she felt like that went well. She did say it was a long day as she started at 8 am and her last audition ended at 3:30 pm so she was tired but overall a fantastic experience and as parents we are super grateful for those at JMU who seemed to try to make the experience as stress free as possible! Now I guess we wait - for a long time to find out something!

Early Action Academic Decisions were posted today! Will the first round of MT and Theatre decisions also be posted? Thanks!

@MTdancer2024 Those admitted academically to JMU through EA who auditioned in the fall ma also receive a program admission status when they receive their EA academic admit…

There are some who have been admitted to the major(s), some who have not been admitted to the major(s), and some who do not yet have program admissions decisions. If a student does not have program admissions decisions it means they are still pending until all auditions are complete in February, and their program admissions decisions will by updated by March 1. We will be following up with students admitted academically who are still pending for program admissions within the next week.

If a student auditioned for BOTH Theatre and Musical Theatre they should have separate admissions decisions for each major.

Please do not hesitate to contact with any additional questions.


Thank you so much!

My D auditioned in November. I know that the decisions are tied to academic acceptance in terms of timing but I was just curious, if anyone knows from past years - do they generally pick a few people from each audition or do they lump everyone together and compare them at the end of all auditions? I am assuming that they video? Just curious as to how this works with so many kids over such a long stretch of time! My D loved JMU so she is hopeful!

Hi @Melanie97! We do accept a handful of students artistically into the major who auditioned in the fall, and were admitted academically EA.

Other than that when we complete auditions in February we look at everyone whose artistic decision was pending from the EA academic admits who auditioned in the fall, along with all the spring auditions (EA and RD) and make admissions decisions from the entire pool.

Students who have already been admitted academically EA will know their decision by early March. Those in the RD pool will find out their artistic admissions decision at the same time as their academic admissions decision, usually in mid to late March.

We have evaluations from each audition day, and video all auditions.

Please let me know if you have any additional questions.


@KatMT thanks for that info! Very helpful . I cannot even imagine! Also was wondering how many students you take for the incoming class? Roughly?

@Melanie97 we aim for a first year class of 12-14.