January 2009 SAT Critical Reading Discussion

<p>11 1/2 hours until the exam starts.
Good luck to all.
I need to get a 670 on critical reading and I will be done taking the SAT.</p>

<p>This thread will be for the discussion after all testtakers have finished taken it.</p>

<p>Feel free to post last minute vocabulary.</p>

<p>This section was harder than usual, well at least the vocab was.</p>

<p>i agree! i studied so many words and not one of them was on there!!!</p>

<p>Yep, vocab was hard definitely. Does anyone know when the scores come out?</p>

<p>I didn’t think it was to bad compared to some of the practice tests I took, a few vocab words I didn’t recognize though for sure.</p>

<p>On the CB website it says scores are available online on Feb. 12, and paper scores begin mailing Feb. 20</p>

<p>Was the first CR the experimental section? was so ****ing long and it was not easy!!</p>

<p>overall this sat was pretty hard… vocab was not easy either. however i found writing to be no big deal</p>

<p>There were two 25-minute Writing sections and one 10-minute Writing section, which means that the equating section was one of the two 25-minute Writing sections.</p>

<p>But, yeah, the rock music questions were pretty hard.</p>

<p>yeah, I had the experimental writing section. The experimental one was the one about organic foods. That writing section was impossible!</p>

<p>hey i had that test. i pray that the first writing section was expermental, since i think i had a mistake there but cant know for sure until we start discussing answers (!).</p>

<p>overall i didnt think it was so bad. vocab was a little harder than usual but i liked the passages. the second writing was good, and the math was alright except for the cube i suck at that kind of thing</p>

<p>Organic foods? What the hell? Lol…I don’t remember anything about organic foods…</p>

<p>the vocab was a bit difficult, math was easy, the reading passage about rock was way too long</p>

<p>I was actually amused and proud of myself during the vocab sections. I had learned all of the yellow vocab flash cards included in the BARRON’S SAT study guide this past week, and there were about 30 of them on the test that i would have otherwise been completely puzzled over! GO BARRONS!</p>

<p>was the organic foods one the first or second?</p>

<p>section 5 was experimental</p>

<p>It was the first section (really hard one)</p>

<p>I had both of these passages… with a math experimental section.</p>

<p>i thought the rock one was so, so but i found teh vocabs quite easy.</p>

<p>i had math experimental, rock music, an extremely easy one about painting, and another one. </p>

<p>ndnbikerguy125 at AIM, if u wanna discuss questions anyone</p>

<p>i think the organic foods one was section 4…but now 5 was experimental? forgive me if i got that wrong</p>

<p>I think it was section 4 also. But the organic was experimental for sure.</p>

<p>DCK7 hope youre right</p>