<p>Which section of the test was experimental for you guys?</p>
<p>Was the experimental section of the writing one about the aunt or the uncertain future?</p>
<p>Which section of the test was experimental for you guys?</p>
<p>Was the experimental section of the writing one about the aunt or the uncertain future?</p>
<p>…and experimental sections are ungraded, correct?</p>
<p>how do you know which was the experimental?</p>
<p>I had the uncertain future, and my experimental was cr.</p>
<p>how do you know??</p>
<p>well usually the test has 2 writing sections (not including the essay), 3 math and 3 reading, so whichever one you got an extra of, is the experimental one - it’s gonna take some inferring though based on the other peoples’ posts.</p>
<p>the math experimental had</p>
<p>a pentagon and a circle trying to touch it</p>
<p>and similar triangles</p>
<p>CR experimental – w/ NEWTON? and the 20 QUESTIONS game?</p>
<p>did anyone else get the CR section of Newton? and non-Newtonian focus on the extremes in nature? and the 20 questions game?</p>
<p>yea i think it was the newton one cuz that section only had 23 questions instead of 24!</p>
<p>thats like out of the ordinary</p>
<p>so, which was the writing experimental section?</p>
<p>but i had 4 crs, and no newton…are there diff experimental sections?</p>
<p>I had 3 writing sections, so I guess that was the experimental one for mine.</p>
<p>Was a CR about Hellen Keller experimental?</p>
<p>Hellen, organic, journal were experimentals.</p>
<p>i had uncertain future in one of the 3 writing sectins, then 3 math sectins… and 4 CR… what i remember from CR i had nomads/painting/rock… what was exp?</p>
<p>was the one on organics the first or second writing one?</p>
<p>It was a critical reading.</p>
None of those were experimental. The 4th one [i.e. the one you didn’t mention] would have been it.</p>
<p>can someone help me with what my exp. was</p>
<p>the writing paragraph on organic foods-- what that the first or second writing?</p>