January SAT: Rush report to which colleges?

<p>Hey guys,</p>

<p>I've heard many things about whether rush-reporting the scores to colleges and what not.</p>

<p>So I'm trying to compile a list of schools that take/do not take rush reports</p>

<p>especially among</p>

Columbia University
University of Chicago
Washington University in St. Louis
Johns Hopkins </p>

<p>So I'll Start-</p>

<p>Harvard: No rush
Columbia: No rush
Upenn: Yes rush </p>

<p>I've verified these info from their websites.</p>

<p>Thanks guys!</p>

<p>Does Johns Hopkins accept Jan SAT?</p>

<p>This was 2 years ago so I would think it still holds true, but I'm not entirely sure -- my friend called Duke asking whether he should rush his SAT scores, and the Duke admissions office woman told him that rushing SAT scores doesn't actually guarantee that they will arrive earlier. It's just another way College Board tries to squeeze money out.
I can't verify this, of course, but I don't think the Duke admissions office would lie about these things just to screw over my friend.</p>

<p>citymom/ I think JH accepts Jan sat, but i'm not totally sure. ^^</p>


<p>I just checked - it does not. I wonder, can sending a score hurt.
DD took/re-took a subject SAT in Jan. In case the score is good, should she send it only to schools that state that Jan SATs are OK, or to all schools on her list? Can sending the scores from a non-accepted ate hurt her?</p>

<p>ditto to what citymom sed. i took the ACT this past sunday and feel rly confident abouty it so i put down as my score recipients columbia and brandeis even tho columbia sez they don't take feb acts. i still have the opportunity to cvhange it tho.</p>

<p>o and btw columbia doesnt accept rush.</p>

<p>citymom&tryin2Bcool/ I don't know wheter sending a score would hurt. However, my guess is that it wouldn't. If my score was, say, 2100, and this time a 2300, they won't say "why did this kid send his score!" They'll probably just ignore it or use it. So I am sending my score to every college that I've applied.</p>

<p>yea but what if it ends up being lower. then ive got a prob</p>

<p>Well.. You are obviously taking a risk by automatically sending them without looking at the scores. What you are saying is not pertinent to sending scores to colleges that do not accept them; any college would not want to see lower scores. So if your score is lower, yes it is your problem. If you dont want to take the risk, just see the score, then pay to send it to colleges. Simple as that.</p>

<p>if it ends up being the same it shouldn't be a problem tho</p>

<p>UofChicago does NOT want you to send Rush Reports -- it takes them even longer to file them, whereas normal reports are sent via the internet.</p>

<p>I just called their Office of Admissions, and they told me so.</p>