<p>For the January SAT, I had two 35 question (25 minute) writing sections. I'd like to know which one was the real section! If you had only one Writing section, could you please tell me what your paragraph was about at the end (you know, the one where they ask you to edit it). Thanks!</p>
<p>the one with drugs and medicine was real</p>
<p>the writing sect was really hard</p>
<p>Crap...did that one come first or second? I had one that was about medicine, and another that was about facial expressions...</p>
<p>I'm guessing the first was drugs and medicine, since I did well on the first one. The harder ones tend to be the fakes, I guess, since they're testing new questions (or at least from my past experiences).</p>
<p>for me the first was the facial expressions and i thought that was easier</p>
<p>what? facial expressions? and i thought the phyiscs from reading was the fake section?</p>
<p>Hmm....the last question of the "correct the sentence" part from the section I did poorly on was like, "To the students who had heard the principal's plans, the news was not surprising", or something like that. Did you have that one???</p>
<p>RememberMe, that one was not experimental because I had that one, and math was my experimental.</p>
<p>Ugh....haha. That blows...</p>
<p>I had a lot of correct sentences for that one, but I changed some of them because I figured they were wrong. Like, I said for the question I mentioned above that it was "For the students", not "To the students".</p>
<p>WAS your essay on imitating and whether its good or not?</p>
<p>Do u think communism is a good example from history for this?</p>
<p>the examples don't really matter much, just how you write it. A historical example is probaly better than your personal examples as long as you get your facts mostly right</p>
<p>Does anyone remember a question about "blah blah blah, each of these ideas was....having been blah blah"?</p>
<p>i got like 5 consecutive no errors at the end (and two more in the middle). Did anyone get the same?</p>
<p>i had like 3 Es and 2 spread out in the middle</p>
<p>I got 3 in a roll or something at the end but onme of them ended being diction</p>
<p>did anyone get any illogical comparisons or paralleism?</p>
<p>^ not really? 5 E's in a row is really... um.. unlikely..</p>
<p>yea, what was the answer to the one about the baby, it had precocious which is diction but it wasn't underlined...</p>
<p>what??? How is precocious a diction error? The baby was developementally advanced. Precocious was an entirely appropriate word.</p>
<p>wait, wasn't ... it
TO the family, the baby was precocious? not FOR the family?</p>
<p>nevermind, thank god it wasn't underlined or else i wouldve choosen it</p>
<p>damn i think i got it wrong anyways :/</p>
<p>oh wasn't there a really weird one about faulkers works.... / aesthetic study and whatnot... hardest to comprehend...
i think i ended up putting no error for that</p>