January Scores

<p>Can i send them in?
Brown.edu says that i have to get 2 SAT 2’s by december sat date, which i have, but I’m going to take physics sat in January as well.
Can i still send those in?</p>

<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/296570-important-current-senior-what-colleges-still-do-accept-january-sat-score.html?highlight=brown+university+january+score+accept[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/college-admissions/296570-important-current-senior-what-colleges-still-do-accept-january-sat-score.html?highlight=brown+university+january+score+accept</a></p>

<p>Also says that i can send it to Brown. Even if they don’t say i can send it in, they’ll still look at it right?</p>

<p>Their website says that the latest date for RD applicants to take the SAT is January.
So it should be fine.</p>

<p>“You must have official test results sent directly to Brown from either the College Board (SAT) or the American College Testing Program (ACT). Results from the January administration of the SAT may be submitted for Regular Decision applications.”</p>

<p>Oo, thank you.</p>