Janurary testing date for SAT II too late?

<p>I see how most schools say janurary testing date may be exceptable, but the 2010 jan testing date is so late... will it still get there in time?</p>

<p>Because I don't want to waste a few hundred bucks travelling to somewhere far away just for a test if I don't have to...</p>

<p>btw right now I can think of two options, if you guys can think of more please tell!</p>

<li>Register for the janurary session, hope for a standby spot for december.</li>
<li>Go take the december session in faraway land and waste a few hundred bucks.</li>

<p>I have never taken the SAT IIs, so I have to have the score.</p>

<p>I called several colleges and they say they iwll accpt Jan test as long as it gets there in time.
I think if your other stats are good then they will wait to see your sat 2 scoreā€¦is what iam hoping f o r .</p>