Java vs C vs C++

I am looking to going back to school part time in CS. One of the things I’m confused about is Java vs C vs C++. Some of the lower level CS programming classes are taught in Java while others are taught in C. I have taken 1/2 year lower level programming class in C. Does this mean I can take the second half in the series in Java? Or do I need to start the series over again all in Java?

Appreciate your clearing up any confusion on my part.

It’s easier to transition from C or C++ to Java than in reverse, though the former are harder to get the hang of. The C version should dig deeper into machine language (how computers interpret code) while Java digs more into design principles for standard commercial code. C++ is a massive and clunky but widely useful language whose purposes are widespread but hard to pinpoint simply. But to answer your question: no, if you start with C then going to Java will not mean you have to re-learn everything. There will be some catch-up work but not nearly enough to fill up an entire semester of class. You should be fine with the transition but expect a busy week 1-2.