<p>D just got an invitation today for a regional interview in January. We are OOS and she has sent in her application to UVA. Does this mean that since she has been invited for the interview that she can assume she will be accepted to UVA? I realize that her chances for winning the scholarship are extremely slim,but does this at all increase her chances for being accepted?
<p>Did she get a nomination from her school earlier or did she just get one? what region?</p>
<p>The Jeff Scholars Foundation works independently of the University admissions. I have heard that finalists are accepted but no guarantees. Plus she is not yet a finalist.</p>
<p>She was nominated by her school, Middle Tennessee region.
I don’t expect her to be a finalist due to the overwhelming odds against her. She would be excited just to be admitted to UVA since she is an out of state applicant.
The interview date is January 24, but she has a conflict with a major Forensics tournament in Atlanta that weekend so she needs to figure out how to resolve this.</p>
<p>Most often the Jeff Scholars nominees are qualified enough to be admitted but there is no specific admission agreement that i know of.</p>
<p>Was she notified by email or what? And when?</p>
<p>I haven’t heard anything yet from my region…guess I’m not moving on.</p>
<p>has anyone else heard about interviews yet?</p>
<p>I haven’t heard about the interview yet. I was told each region operates independently (I’m in New Jersey, whatever block that would land in.) I’d just assume that her region was unusually fast in getting those interview requests out, unless I get an email telling me I didn’t qualify.</p>
<p>While there is obviously a correlation between advancing the Jeff process and admission to UVa, one does not cause the other. The Jeff Foundation doesn’t publish a list of students who are in the different “phases” of their process until the final round. We don’t know about the nomination before the final round unless the student happens to mention it on the application. Even then, it’s not an automatic “in” to the school.</p>
<p>Ah…been a while since I did the whole correlation vs. causation spiel. That was fun.</p>
<p>Just got my email from Jefferson Scholars saying they want an interview Guess all the regions send the stuff out at different times. In New Jersey they say they have 42 candidates and 2 will move on to national, that’s pretty tough odds.</p>
<p>I didn’t have my interview until middle of January but was notified in December, as I recall. It’s done differently in each region I think.</p>
<p>I got my email on Friday for the interview on a Thursday in January. They also invited me to an optional brunch on Sunday. Do you think it would be extremely helpful to my acceptance for the scholarship if I attend the brunch because I have a lot of EC activities that weekend and would rather not attend the brunch if I didn’t need to?</p>
<p>what region are you chr?</p>
<p>attend the brunch. can’t hurt and may help.</p>
<p>Since schools nominate their candidates, not UVA or the scholarship foundation, nominees are not guaranteed admission. But during selection weekend, all the finalists are told that yes, you are accepted to UVA.</p>
<p>I still haven’t heard. I’d assume even if i don’t move on to the next round they would’ve let me know by now…</p>
<p>On the website I believe it says that they will notify you only if you are invited to the next round. It also says interviews are arranged and conducted in December and January. Each region handles this differently, so I would not count yourself out until January’s pretty much over.</p>
<p>Do all nominees advance to the interview stage?</p>
<p>no not all are interviewed as I have been told. First week of Jan might be a likely time to be notified. I doubt it would be past the 15 though.</p>
<p>This may help…the region that includes Northern Georgia (Atlanta) has the first round of interviews scheduled for January 10th. D has been notified via email and postal service.</p>