Jefferson Scholar (uva)

<p>I've looked through a lot of posts by other Jefferson Scholar Nominees. Almost every single one shows stats like perfect SATs, all fives on AP tests... and thats not quite me. </p>

<p>My stats are:</p>

<li>SAT: 670/750/670 or a 2090 </li>
<li>AP tests: 5, 4, 3, 3</li>
<li>GPA: 4.0</li>
<li>My school doesn't do class rank</li>

<p>On paper, i'm not that great. But I am a two-sport captain, with tons of awards and letters. I've been a part of student government, 4 years on honor council, community service club officer. I was 1 of 6 in the state chosen for a marine science governor's school. I coach swimming and field hockey. I've won a couple school awards in math and a scholarship to my high school. And, I think I've got really good people skills and could give a good interview. </p>

<p>So, my question: do i have any chance with stats that are, by comparison, sort of lack luster?</p>

<p>Hey carisimp! I’m also a Jefferson Scholar nominee, and I just wanted to wish you good luck.</p>

<p>aw thanks! you too… i guess we’ll be finding out about the next round soon.</p>