Jefferson Scholars 2020

Congratulations to everyone who has been nominated for the Jefferson Scholarship this year! I figured I’d start this thread so we can share our experiences as we move through the application and interview process. Best of luck to everyone!

Hi! I’m a senior from Virginia! I was really surprised and happy when I got the nomination! I’m really excited to get started on the process and have already started filing out the application.

Hi! I’m a nominee from Florida! Good luck everyone. Did everyone apply early action or Ed?

Hi, I’m nominated from OOS and I applied early action. I really hope I get into UVA! I know even making it to finalist weekend is a long shot, but just here to do my best in the scholarship competition.

can you still use the common app essay for your essay for Jefferson? I couldn’t find this info on the web site.

@MTstepmom I am. I assume that’s why they changed the word limit on that from 500 to 650 :slight_smile:

hi! i’m a nominee from nj! and the essay’s word limit is 650 words now?


Is anyone willing to share the essay prompts and the word limits for the activities section, etc.? My counselor is taking quite some time to get all the nominations in, so unfortunately I still don’t have access to the portal for the Jefferson application.

@hitrowboat It’s 150 words for each of five activities (focus on why they’re important to you plus citizenship and leadership), up to 10 “significant awards” (some space to describe what it is if they won’t know), 500 words about a time you exhibited leadership and what you learned from it (I’m paraphrasing here) and 650 words for whatever you want. You will also be required to self-report test scores and fill out some basic demographic/contact information. Good luck!

My child was invited to a regional interview. Does every nominee/applicant receive a regional interview invite? Thanks for any help!

@MTstepmom My email said that I was “moving on to the regional stage of the selection process.” I initially thought this meant I got an interview, but when I read the letter in the portal itself, it said that the regional committee was reviewing my application and they would invite me for an interview at a later date if deemed necessary. Is that what happened with your child or did he/she actually get invited for an interview already? Either way, congratulations and best of luck to them!

Yes once we read over multiple times it seems it’s in review. No interview yet. Even the counselor thought it meant my child moved to the interview phase. Thanks so much for responding. Best of luck to everyone.

My child just received her first interview invite for her Region. Excited but this is a marathon not a sprint. Best of luck to everyone. She will find out her EA decision right before based on past years, so we will see if she makes it to the interview.

Hi everyone… just got my interview date. We have a meet and greet at a committee members home first. The interview is on a Saturday in January. 30 minute time slot. I’m in Florida!

anyone know how long the interviews last in cincinnati

Hi everyone! I’m from Northern Virginia area. I just found this thread and am very excited to be nominated by my school.
I think my area is rather ahead of everyone else, I have my interview scheduled for this Friday, January 10. The email said that it would last around 20 minutes. I’m very excited and nervous for it and have been practicing hard. Do any of you have an idea as to the type of questions we will be asked?

Guys make sure to check your spam! I was sent an email regarding interviews a few weeks ago that I just saw because it was stuck in spam. Out of state

Any international applicant received news about interviews?

I have my interview today and I am very nervous! Anyone attend the information session prior? I found out a day before and due to other obligations, couldn’t attend.