Jerry Falwell Dead

<p>Collegeguy, there can be joy in someone's death. For example, I think most Americans are happy with the fact Hitler's dead.
As for are missing the point....I never commented on my intelligence....I just said I was clearly not "uneducated" or "boorish". (Note the irony that the person who does not wish to be called names easily does so AND I got 800 in critical reading...2370 in total on the SAT) Furthermore, it has not really been a subject of debate what the acronym SAT stands for, it is a fact it once stood for something and as of 1994 it does not. (However I fail to see the relevance in your statement about the acronym....)</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Quote wikipedia in your college papers and see what the professor's reaction will be. </p>

<p><em>Anyone</em> can create an entry for wikipedia. If you want to be taken seriously in a debate, please use Ingenta or another scholarly database. </p>

<p>The SAT/ACT/MCAT/LSAT/PCAT/GRE <em>does not</em> measure intelligence. What are you trying to prove by saying that you got an 800 then and a 2370 on the SAT? </p>

<p>The SATs mean nothing once you get into college. I have not asked one person or have been asked what my score was at my university. No one gives a hoot. </p>

<p>I know people who walked in blind for my college entrance exam and got a higher score than me. Guess what? I'm doing a heck of a lot better than them in my college courses. And they aren't easy courses like Kinesiology or Packaging either. I know high school valedictorians who barely got a 2.0 in an introductory psychology course while I studied my tail off and got a 3.5.</p>

<p>Hold on...before you edited your first statement about the SAT you said, "Wow, an 800 on the SAT?", I just wanted to clarify your statement. I never said once it was important in terms of life goals or in general. I used wikipedia for it's relative ease, obviously I would not be dumb enough to use that in a term paper however I have never heard of "Ingenta" and most other "scholarly databases" require money and are not worth paying for to prove the likes of you wrong in a debate. Whatever, you have shown your ignorance and hypocrisy on this thread...I'm happy.</p>

<p>And you're just another CCer bragging about an SAT score. Heaven help the professors who have to endure these types of students. Complain about your <em>insert high number</em> SAT to them, and hear them complain about their 200 paged dissertation paper they had to write to achieve a Ph.D. Brag about your SAT score to them, and watch them give you a blank stare or try to stifle their laugh about your naivety. College is a totally different beast from the SATs. SATs are like shooting a fish in a barrel compared to college exams (multiple choice) and bluebook exams. </p>

<p>Also, if you're in high school, you should be able to access these resources for free. Also, you can google scholarly articles that professors have written. I don't think professors want to hide their publications from the general public. :)</p>

<p>Good luck in your future endeavors. Your post definitely cheered me up about my bio exam tomorrow with the answer choices of A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I or J. :D</p>

<p>No, I am not another CCer bragging about an SAT score...I plain out don't care about it. I only mentioned it to prove I was not uneducated. Fair enough? Also professors aren't hiding them from the public, they want to make money of off them (and rightly so). If a McDonald's is selling a cheeseburger and says you need to pay 1 dollar for it, are they hiding it from the public? Oh yeah, I hope you know that colleges don't really like ultraconservative, Jerry Falwell mourning, fools either! Hope you see the light one day.</p>

<p>I just looked up Jerry Falwell on Wikipedia.
I'm not going to say anything to provoke argument. </p>

<p>But who knew there was a town called Lynchburg? And ironically that is where Liberty University (I think, that's what I read.) is located. Ugh.</p>

<p>Well, this is the last post I'm going to make because I gotta get back to studying.</p>

<p>Again, your high score on the SAT does not prove you are educated or uneducated. It is a test designed to measure how well you will do in the college classroom. Please get the facts straight on this matter. </p>

<p>If you want, I can provide you a link to one of my professor's papers that is in press right now. :) His specialty is working memory and cognitive aging. Oh, man, making money off of papers? Ask a professor what they have to do in order to be promoted from assistant professor to associate professor to full professor. Attaining tenure depends on how much money they can bring into the university by writing papers. Also, they aren't millionaires. They recieve money to fund their projects from grants. For example, my professor is working with the US Navy to create a device for ships concerning working memory. </p>

<p>And if you're interested in a professor's research, ask them about it! I promise, they will not charge you an arm and a leg for it. :P</p>

<p>Don't worry about what type of student colleges like. As long as they're getting my money every semester (room and board and tuition) they don't give a rat's behind. I'm doing fine here at my university. :) I'm publishing a paper, working in a professor's lab, and getting high marks, so I don't need your sympathy.</p>

<p>For the record, I'm a Reagan, independant conservative and proud of it. </p>

<p>Have a nice day.</p>

<p>Oh man...I wont deal with your first statement about the education or not. That will lead to an endless argument.</p>

<p> dad was an associate Professor and moved to a full Professor. It took him a lot of work and I know first-hand the experience. However, notice publications like Brittanica <em>cost</em> money. I know my dad's not a millionare. :)</p>

<p>Yes...I can just call up an SAT researcher like I call up the pizza man.</p>

<p>I think they do give a rat's behind what kind of student is in colleges. Notice for admissions factors most schools (at least private ones and quite a few publics) care about "character/personal qualities"-this demonstrates to me that they <em>do</em> care about what kind of student is there. Alas, Collegeboard and I may both be wrong, right smurfy?</p>

<p>I really don't care what you say you are....nor does anyone else really.</p>

<p>Good luck on bio.</p>

<p>ok forget my previous comment...</p>

<p>carry on please ! this is amusing</p>

<p>^^ Hell yeah!
And every time I'm worried it's over, someone starts it back up again. Why do history homework when I have this?</p>

<p>Couldn't resist answering your post (I better stop procrastinating and start studying!), but I don't think universities are going to give the axe to a student for admissions because they are a "compassionate conservative" and instead choose the Che Gueverra follower. Let's be rational now. :)</p>

<p>I don't care who you say you are or what number you got on the SATs. The SATs mean nothing to a sophomore student in college or to a professor. Your performance in a college classroom does. </p>

<p>Now for real, good day. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors. You are a bright scholar and you will be successful one day. (Your scores didn't prove it to me, your ability to hold a debate did). </p>

<p>And thanks for the luck. I need it.</p>

<p>As for you other posters who posted before me, get to work!</p>

<p>another victory for CC over high school homework!!!</p>

<p>Booyah kashah!</p>

<p>damnit smurfgirl don't leave !!!!!!! noooooooo</p>

<p>She told us to get back to work. Do you think that means we have to?</p>

<p>Just kidding. Of course we wont!!! Huzzah!
Maybe FredFredBurger will come back.</p>

<p>i'm crossing my fingers</p>

<p>Liberty University=some sort of superconservative christian fascist school.</p>

<p>^^ Are you referring to my post?
Are you saying that it makes sense it's in Lynchburg then?
Explain. Por favor.</p>

<p>I'm saying it's an oxymoron.</p>

<p>I have an AP Italian Exam tomorrow. Due to the risk of looking like entertainment, I too will end the arguement. It got out of hand at times.</p>