<p>I received my room assignment today, and I understand how the first letter means I'm in Jester West, and the first two numbers are floor number, but what exactly does "00" entail?</p>
<p>Am I on the first floor with Wendys?</p>
<p>Or am I on the first floor with Dorms which would be the second or third floor? I'm having a lot of trouble deciphering this...</p>
<p>Nope, you’re on the “ground floor”, which is underneath the lobby and all that. I have a friend who lived down there… not bad at all! It’s on the same floor as the entertainment area, with the TVs/billiards/table tennis/kitchen.</p>
<p>Weird, that’s the one thing I didn’t expect when I put Jester West as my first choice haha. Its practically impossible to find anything on those rooms too, renovation, noise, it’s like they don’t exist. Any details would be appreciated haha.</p>
<p>If anyone else is living in the basement, or knows a lot, private message me or something. We’ll get on Facebook chat or something, I’m going to need some friends.</p>
<p>So I have “01” which means I’m on the first floor with the lobby and all that?! Does that get really noisy? D: And what floors in Jester West are renovated?</p>
<p>Yes, you’re on the floor with the lobby. No stairs or elevator trips for you! But don’t worry, it’s no more or less noisy than other floors, in general – the “residential” area of the first floor is an entirely separate section from the lobby and study areas.</p>
<p>What are the advantages/disadvantages to living on the first floor of jester west?</p>
<p>What?? Living on the 1st floor seems awesome. I was always jealous of the people who just slid into their floor while I was trying to avoid touching people while waiting for an elevator to become available lol. (I’m exaggerating.) Yeah I guess technically Wendy’s is on the first floor…but it’s still like a walking distance from the actual dorm area. The actual dorms are sectioned off by a door that requires you to swipe your ID. So it won’t feel like Wendy’s/JCL is on the same “floor.” Hard to explain.
I never knew there were dorms on the ground floor…So that’s where that corner leads to. Hm.</p>
<p>Advantages: you don’t have to take the elevator.
Disadvantages: you never get to ride the elevator.</p>
<p>I’m on the 0th floor, too! I was so confused. How do we even get to it? I really wanted SanJac, though.
I guess at least I have a suite, but do you know if there is movable furniture?</p>
<p>Yup, the furniture is movable in rooms with connecting bathrooms (or at least the beds are). There are a couple of ways to get down to the ground floor. The way that I normally take is: head toward the elevators, but turn right instead of left (walk away from the elevators). There is a stairwell on your right, and that will take you downstairs. Alternatively, you can take the stairs leading down before you enter the lobby, and that will take you through the recreation area, and finally to the residential area.</p>
<p>Do all connecting bathroom bedrooms have movable beds?</p>
<p>And are the beds hieght-adjustable?</p>
<p>I’m not sure if it’s all of them, but I know that at least the ones on the ground floor of Jester West and the 9th floor of Jester East have movable furniture. So, it wouldn’t be too wild of an extrapolation to assume that most (if not all) of them are like that.</p>
<p>I don’t think you can adjust the height of those beds more than a few inches, if at all, but some of them are bunkable.</p>