Jewish Life and Minority Life at TCU

<p>I am thrilled I got accepted! I know there is a high Jewish population in Dallas, but I have been involved in NFTY and having Jewish friends is really important to me. Are there any Jewish students or grads that can comment on their experience?</p>

<p>Also, for current students who are minorities, are you accepted in the community? What are your experiences? </p>

<p>I recall reading that there is a small Hillel at TCU and you can contact them for further information. </p>

<p>Did you apply ED (binding) or EA? </p>

<p>If you are still looking at colleges, there are some that don’t require test scores:</p>

<p><a href=“”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I am jewish and I have just been accepted into TCU! I’m not super religious but when I visited I did ask and the tour guide said that religion at the school was what you made of it and that TCU is an accepting community. </p>

<p>Hi @hcasey315‌! I’m not religious either; I just wanted to know if there were more Jewish applicants.</p>

<p>@AriMer24‌ then yes there are! :)</p>