Jewish Life at Purdue

Parent of a junior interested in Aerospace Engineering and very interested in Purdue. 1550 SAT and currently GPA is a 98. He is pretty excited about Purdue and we hope to visit this summer.

My mom just mentioned that “there are no Jews at Purdue.” I was like - that can’t be true, Mom. We are from NY and my son, while not that connected to his Judaism, has attended a reform Jewish camp for 7 years and we are active in our synagogue. He doesn’t need kosher food or access to a Rabbi. He actually doesn’t care much at all. For me, I would like to know that he’ll feel safe and accepted and that Hillel is there for him if he chooses to participate.

I did some digging and it looks like there are 600 Jewish students at Purdue. That’s a really small percentage. Is there anyone out there who has a Jewish student at Purdue who could comment on Jewish life at Purdue? For example, and while this is a small detail, it does speak to awareness - is there school on Yom Kippur?

I see there is a Hillel and a Chabad. My son would not be interested in Chabad. Does anyone have any info. on how active the Hillel is?

I see there are two Jewish fraternities and one Jewish sorority. While that is nice, I don’t see my son joining a fraternity. He’s pretty reserved.

Any insights would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks everyone.

There are actually about 1,000. My husband’s daughter went to Purdue and the Hillel is very active. There is also an AEPi there that is a bunch of nice guys. My friend’s son was in it. I think the Jewish sorority is really small and even when it isn’t filled with Jewish girls. My husband and his ex wife didn’t allow his daughter to join due to poor grades. I also don’t remember if ZBT was there then but they all mingle with one another for the most part anyway.

My son has eliminated Purdue but we live in a Jewish area of Chicago and a bunch of kids from our school will be attending Purdue. It probably wasn’t their first choice but the way things shook out this year and the fact that there were a lot that wanted engineering or cs from their class kind of hurt them from getting into some of the other schools if they weren’t the tippy top of the grade. Purdue is much harder to get into on the East Coast.

Feel free to message me. I can probably connect you to some people.

Hi. I’m interesting in Purdue and from NYC area. Is it actually harder to get in if your from East Coast Area. I thought it wouldn’t be more difficult since they want to attract people from all over US and there isn’t much NY representation at Purdue compared to Chicago area

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I guess technically I can’t say if it’s harder from the East Coast but we get like 20-30 kids from our school in there and I know from outside the area it’s viewed as “more difficult” but maybe that’s because Purdue takes into consideration that students may not be willing to travel but I have heard on the East Coast it is such a well regarded Engineering school maybe more so than we view it, which may be us taking things for granted or because we know there are other great options here and it is known as a Techy school. It has a phenomenal job/internship fair so that is definitely something that should not be overlooked.

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I think you will find most schools, and almost all public schools, are open and have classes on religious holidays. Students who need to be excused can make those arrangements with their professors.

My sorority sisters and I were reminiscing this week about the Seder hosted by one of our sisters. It was not a sorority considered a Jewish one, but she wanted to introduce us to her customs and organized the whole thing. She had some friends who helped her and we all enjoyed it very much. There was/is a Hillel at the school but I don’t know if she was active in that (they have a building and a great parking lot - I think they make enough money off the parking on football game days to fund their programs for the year).

I’m sure your son can be involved in Jewish life if he wants to be, but he’ll have to make an effort.

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So the Hillel publication has the number of Jews down to 375. Purdue University - Hillel International. The Forward publication has the number at 525.

And, when you go to the website for Hillel at Purdue it looks like bid day for sorority rush was on Rosh Hashanah and a big recruiting event on a holiday as well. I am just a little concerned. I get that the world can’t stop for 1% of the student population, and am sure excuses would be allowed by professors, but … It’s not that I’m worried there will be nothing to be involved with - I’m sure the Hillel works hard and has good programming, it’s more will the general awareness, etc.

Any new information? How has it been on campus this year? Thanks.

Hi, I was reading your post about Purdue having an active Hillel Jewish life based on your husband’s daughter. We are looking into Purdue, visiting this weekend. Jewish life / community is very important for us so I am wondering if you could provide more information on what was her experience.

Thank you!