<p>Could someone please clarify this? On the national Hillel website, they say that UR has 250 undergraduate Jewish students. On the website of the UR Hillel itself, they say that about four percent of the undergrads are Jewish, which would be about 120. Which is correct?</p>
<p>I have no idea how many Jewish students are enrolled at Richmond. All I can tell you is that my daughter was approached to join a Jewish group, but elected not to. So I know there is a Jewish population on campus, though I have no idea how large. Also her boyfriend while she was at Richmond (graduated 2 years ago) was also Jewish. I know this isn’t much, but wanted you to get at least one reply.</p>
<p>And I’m working on getting in touch with the Hillel director to follow up on your question, but honestly, this week has just been insane and I haven’t had a chance. But I will get back to you once I understand the source of the different data–if we can indeed figure that out! Thanks for your patience.</p>
<p>It could be an ethnic (from a Jewish family, etc.) vs. religion thing. You know, children with Jewish parents that don’t practice the faith kinda thing.</p>
<p>Hello all–Here is a note from the Hillel advisor that tries to get at the OP’s question:</p>
We estimate that there are roughly 150-250 Jewish students on campus, based on information from Facebook as well as events; if we include the Law School.</p>
<p>We do have a thriving Hillel on campus, roughly ten students attended our last Shabbat dinner. Quite a few faculty and staff are also Hillel supporters and we recently held a Jewish Law students Shabbat at a the home of one of the Law professors. We hold one Shabbat, one social event, one social justice/tzedek program, as well as at least one Israel based program per month on UR campus.</p>
<p>As an aside, UR Hillel is part of Hillel of Richmond with also includes VCU which is just down the road from UR. Their Hillel has roughly 200-500 students, as it is a public university, and they host an even almost every week (which all Hillel of Richmond students are invited to attend). Much of our programming is done with both campuses together like our Krav Maga program last term and had more the 50 students from both universities present.</p>
<p>So while we don’t have precise numbers, I think we’re closer to the 120 than we would be to the 250. We might hit 250 if we include Law students, but typically there isn’t much social interaction between law students and undergrads. </p>
<p>Another poster had asked some time back if a “liberal Jewish girl” would be happy at Richmond. I saw one of my favorite students yesterday who I know is Jewish and I asked her if she would describe herself as “liberal”. The answer was yes emphatically. I invited her to post, but she is awfully busy, so we might not have her voice join the conversation but I wanted her to be represented here. She is incredibly involved in many dimensions of campus life, fully integrated but also very involved in her faith community. She would absolutely say that liberal Jewish students can be very happy at UR. </p>
<p>I hope this is helpful!</p>
<p>Thank you so much, that is very helpful. Sounds like there is enough of a Jewish presence on campus and down the road at VCU. UR is on our list of colleges to visit in March.</p>
<p>We’ll look forward to having you this spring. If you’d like to arrange to speak with students from Hillel, just let us know when you call to schedule your visit and we can help you do that.</p>