JHU ED2/GTown EA or RD either


4.2 , 1570. 6 APs, 2 Bs, 1C in non science class
Good virtual, lab research , research at JHU
V good community service, awards
V good hospital volunteering, specialty shadowing
Good LORs
Upward trend
National Merit Semifinals
Youth Council mbrship

Interested in Pre Med. Applying for few BSMDs
Applying to JHU , Georgetown and couple of East Coast Undergrads

Question : GTown EA seems to have better prospects and in case deferred goes to RD. Reads good but can’t ED to any others?
JHU thought to try ED2 due to prior research, LOR and acceptance rates for ED2

However stuck on if either is a chance with the stats above and what could be better strategy.
Question : Should I EA to GTown or ED2 to JHU or do RD for either?
Question 2: Is it true that JHU is cut throat and possibly harder for med school process? How about Georgetown from same cutthroat or hard to maintain GPA standpoint?

Thank you,

Why not apply ED1 to JHU if it’s indeed your top choice? (Along with EA to GT)

You won’t be able to ED1 JHU and EA Gtown (Gtown doesn’t allow you to EA if you are binding ED elsewhere) but you can EA Gtown, find out the result mid-December, and then ED2 JHU if you want to do that. Gtown is non-binding. Of course you would then be bound to JHU if you get in.

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Sorry, my bad. I misread as Georgia Tech. I see clearly now that it says “GTown” not “GT” but somehow missed that earlier (early morning :disappointed:)

What if you got into the BS MD? Is that a higher priority ? If so, would ED make sense at all ?

No cost issues ?

For nmsf, maybe there are schools where you’d get money and it’s less competitive. Tulsa would be a full ride. 25% of they’d students are NM.

I personally think a lot of grad school success is the due to the students who enrolled so the top schools undergrad are the top feeders. But not the only schools that place as many top kids go to others. Perhaps you’d have a better chance to stand out - and save for grad school - by choosing a school where your NM has meaning financially.

First, if you like them equally, I agree do GTown EA then do ED2 JHU if that doesn’t work out. Make sure you have many backups at less-competitive entry schools in case neither works out.

Second, on your question of cut-throat: both schools are competitive and have highly intelligent students likely to make a very competitive environment to get a 3.7+ gpa to be in range for med school. Unless someone attended both, there is not way to know which one is more competitive. I have physician colleagues who attended each, and I attended Duke. All three schools were described by some classmates who did not have success getting in to med school as “cut throat”, yet we , as we had success, interpret each of our undergraduate premed experiences to be challenging yet collaborative. For students with excellent study habits and time management, who after they adjust to college find success in routinely being above the mean in weedout courses(A-/A ), finding like -minded peers to study with through the years will feel collaborative. Students who do not find success and are consistently below the mean in the core premed classes might naturally describe the environment as cut-throat, feeling as though the students with success are somehow keeping them out of it. Bottom line, it is all relative, and if you feel as though your personality would be better in a less competitive environment, then you should not choose GTown or JHU.

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Both JHU and Georgetown are going to be high reaches I would consider a lower reach or a target for ed2. Pick whichever your kid likes best for the first round, and calibrate down a tier in selectivity if the student doesn’t get in. You can apply to the other in RD.

Hopkins has traditionally admitted by major and the premed majors are typically more difficult admits than the social sciences/humanities.

Student I know of went to JHU for undergrad. Badly wanted to attend Emory for medical school. Applied to several and was only accepted to Rutgers (which is still excellent and he was a NJ resident so that gets one a boost there as it’s a state/public medical school).

So to your ask around JHU and feeding into medical school, nothing is a sure shot to medical school.

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