jhu questions

<p>there wasn't a spot to tell what you do in the summer. I wanted to put that i went to a international leadership conference for best buddies and that i took extra ap courses. also i did other extra after school act like voice lessons, piano lessons but i didn't put that on my ap because i didn't see where i could. in the long run will this not really matter that i didn't include this info? if it does, what should i do? plus, i just took the oct sat. i didn't have the score when i submitted my ap. I just put the date i took it, is that ok? will they adcoms look at my new score when college board sends it, or will they have already decided? and lastly, i didn't do that well on the sat, i only got a 1920, will this kill my chances at jhu? I really want to get in, but i'm scared that the adcoms will think i'm silly to even apply. thanks so much for any help or comments.</p>

<p>Uh, why would you leave that stuff out? You should have put it in the ECs section, or additional information section, depending on which application you used. Courses should have gone with the rest of your classes/list of APs.</p>

<p>You also didn't have an SAT score but you applied ED. I hate to be the one to say this, but with a 1920, your chances aren't looking good. Sorry.</p>