<p>Taken most rigorous courseload available at my HS</p>
<p>US History: 5
Chemistry: 3</p>
<p>this year I'm taking: AP English Language and Comp as well as AP English Lit and Comp, AP Calc AB, and AP Biology</p>
<p>SAT: 2200 (taken twice, highest score is single sitting)</p>
<p>CR: 710
M: 700
W: 790 w/10 essay</p>
<p>SAT II's</p>
<p>US History: 790
Chemistry: 770
I took Math II and got a low score but I'm retaking in December</p>
<p>Common App essay is about my immigration experience as an Arab-American and my experiences in post-9/11 US.</p>
<p>Great Recs</p>
<p>EC's (I don't have many but I'm committed to what I do)</p>
<p>Volunteering at Mount Sinai Hospital
3 Years Varsity Track
2 Years Varsity Soccer
4 Years S.H.A.R.E. (community service organization at my school....my top EC)
National Honor Society
Italian Honor Society</p>
<p>Rensselaer Medal Award for achievement in Math and Science
My School's nominee for Governor's School in the Sciences
Nominee for various leadership conferences (NYLF, NYLC....etc...)
School's Nominee for Boy's State
Alternate for HOBY (Hugh O'Brien Youth Leadership conference)</p>
<p>That's all I can think of right now...thanks!
Oh, I plan to do Pre-Med</p>
<p>what do you mean? pre-med means i’m gonna take the required pre-med classes (chemistry, biology, etc…) my major would either by biology or Near Eastern Studies (not sure yet)</p>
<p>I mean on your application DO NOT put Pre-Med where it asks you your academic interests because they will think you do not know anything about their school</p>
<p>Oh crap- I already did that assuming they’d know I meant that I was taking pre-med courses. Well, that’s stupid-no college actually has a pre-med major, so why can’t you list that?</p>
<p>i didn’t attend any of those leadership conferences as I didn’t have the money for it…(i mean they expected like $2000-3000 for a week long conference) i figured getting nominated for it was just as good…I didn’t go to Boys’ State as it was during my Finals…</p>