jhu supplement?

<p>it askes which standardized tests (AP, PSAT etc.) you've taken, and the date. how important is it to put the exact day, because i honestly dont remember and don't really know how to find out.</p>

<p>I don't know how important it is... but it's not terribly difficult to use Google and find out.</p>

<p>Not an official answer, but month and year are probably fine - that's what I did on all my applications way back when.. I doubt they really care what exact date your SAT test was on.</p>

<p>all that we need is month and year</p>

<p>ok, i tried to submit, but it won't let me submit without the MM/DD/YYYY format... so should i just guess for the day?</p>

<p>You could always dig up your score reports. I googled the AP exam schedules from past years.</p>

<p>then just submit the correct month, 01 for day, and the correct year</p>

<p>My son did a yahoo search and was able to find all the dates - or ask your school.</p>