JHU vs UT Austin for Engineering

Hi, I am trying to decide between Johns Hopkins and UT Austin for under grad. I am planning to pursue BME or related engineering. I did not get admitted to BME at Hopkins but seems like i’ll have plenty opportunity to take bme courses and take parallel majors. I like both colleges and wondering if Jhu is worth the name and reputation? Austin is closer, cheaper for me.

“worth more” is very individual. Cockrell is very highly ranked engineering school, so you are choosing between two top tier programs.

What is the value of the difference in cost: does it mean loans for you / your family? does it affect your parent’s ability to retire?

Is there something specific about the JHU program that you are particularly interested in?

Or, is this a classic ‘girl/boy next door vs the siren call of the famous name’ situation?

tl;dr- to me, you have a superb option that you like, so no, spending more just to impress the neighbors is not worth it

Do you have direct admit to BME at UT Austin?

If so, it comes down to what major you most want…BME vs something like biomolecular/biomaterials/biomechanics at JHU, since BME is off the table.

Have you visited both campuses? What are your career goals?

I also agree with collegemom about the money…if JHU requires any loans beyond the $27K max student undergrad loans UT Austin likely makes more sense.

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THIS…because you don’t have this at JHU.


Yes, i have direct admit to BME at Austin. Will the parallel majors in bhu provide me great opportunities too ?

I am interested in research going forward and jhu seems to provide several opportunities at undergrad level.

I have visited both campuses and feel conflicted …

Yes, to some extent Jhu is attractive for the name, opportunities and contacts you may make…

Thankyou for the inputs !

Isn’t UT Austin the higher ranked Engineering school? If rep matters to you, why pay more for a lower ranked school?

Great that you have direct admit to UT Austin, I generally lean to direct admit situations.

I expect the BME adjacent JHU majors have fine outcomes, but don’t know that for sure and JHU’s outcomes data don’t show a breakdown by major….so call the career and ask about outcomes for those specific majors. https://imagine.jhu.edu/first-destination-outcomes/

JHU isn’t going to necessarily equate to more opportunities or connections, there’s plenty of opportunity at both your choices (that you will have to work/put yourself out there to take advantage of and hustle to network), and you can major in what you want at UT Austin.


So does UT.

Here’s the thing:

The name matters… Cockrell is a top name- don’t let familiarity breed contempt
The opps- both will have more than you will have time to take advantage of
The contacts…if you want to go into research, then the contacts you need are people who are respected in that field. Both places will have all more than enough contacts for you- and your peers at both will be other high achievers who will spread out across the country and become your contacts and peer group.

IOW- you won’t be getting anything less by choosing the one that will cost you less money, and you will be getting more by getting the major you want.


UT Austin and frankly most any school will give you plenty of opportunities for research.

Your outcomes will not be much different.

If you like JHU and your family is comfortable spending many thousands more, go ahead. If it’s based on outcomes - UT is a no brainer.


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The actual experience of being in student at both places is quite different. So if the financial difference isn’t a problem, just focus on where you want to live/study/experience college for four years.


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