<p>EARLY ACTION DECISIONS FOR JMU ARE UP ON MY MADISON!!! It's only January 9th and I'm thrilled to be accepted! Log into your My Madison account, click on "Applicant Center," then look at the 4th box over, in a blue hyperlink! Click it, make sure all pop-ups are disabled, and view your letter!*:) GO NOW! Good luck to ALL!</p>
<p>Aww dangit I wanted too create the thread…but anyways, I got in!!!</p>
<p>Haha I’m sorry, I was so excited xD GOOD JOB!
Congratulations!!! :)</p>
<p>Nice job guys! Got admitted as well :D</p>
<p>deferred with a 3.5 gpa and 1130 combined SAT, in state</p>
<p>Accepted with 3.55 and 2100, in state</p>
<p>My friend got in! Not sure of her stats though but she is from out of state!</p>
<p>My daughter got into JMU EA with 3.86 GPA, 28 ACT, and a lot of good activities, including Varsity Captain, lead in a play, NHS, Tri M, Honors Chorus, etc. and is thrilled as it’s her first choice.</p>
<p>I ended up getting deferred with a 3.8 GPA, 33 ACT. In state.</p>
<p>Our daughter was thrilled to hear she was admitted! However, our hearts break for those who have been deferred or who were declined admission. Our daughter is out-of-state, and I think that is helpful, as I understand Out of State students are evaluated separately from In-State students. This is SUCH a difficult and painful process! Our daughter has a 3.5, 1800 SAT, 26 ACT, many extra-cur activities, and is taking a boatload of AP classes (as recommended by the admissions counselors for JMU). My heart breaks for those who did not receive good news today…arrrgggghhh this process! </p>
<p>Wishing all of those deferred the best for March…!</p>
<p>tiesto35…I truly believe you will be admitted in March…please don’t give up!</p>
<p>4got to say she’s in-state. I agree that tiesto35 will be admitted for regular decision – although would have thought s/he would get in early. Wow. Sorry for those who didn’t. It can seem totally random sometimes.</p>
<p>Keep the faith fhgirl and tiesto35…</p>
<p>S2 admitted - OOS. It’s his first choice, so he is pumped. :)</p>
<p>Is anyone thinking of attending the admitted students day 2//17?</p>
<p>Yes, believe our daughter is psyched to attend on 2/17…</p>
<p>Accepted with a 4.0 GPA and a 30 ACT, in-state. Go Dukes!</p>
<p>Yes, my daughter is psyched to attend the 2/17 event. My older son is at JMU, and attending that was a great idea for him – gets them extra excited to be going there or helps make the decision if they’re still undecided. It’s a really fun day with lots of excitement and energy that is contagious.</p>
<p>Sometimes the acceptances can seem confusing and random, because a 3.5 may get in while a 3.8 doesn’t, or an 1800 SAT but not a 2100 SAT. Keep in mind that they like to see a very strong, rigorous curriculum in an overall competitive high school (but they don’t hold that against you if your school doesn’t offer much rigor – just that if they offer it, you should be taking advantage of it). So some of the people with lower gpa’s might be taking a tougher course load (like math all four years, maybe Calculus or Physics, five years of foreign language, etc.) and more AP or IB classes overall. Maybe they won some significant awards, a big leadership role like student body president, or have a special talent the school needs. You just never know. For example, a guy in my son’s high school class got deferred with a 4.0, while my son had a 3.7 and got accepted; but his friend had only taken two AP classes and three years of foreign language, while my son took 9 AP classes, five years of a foreign language, and four of math. His overall program of study had more depth and rigor to it. His friend did eventually get in off of the wait list, though. He was persistent and followed up a lot with the admissions staff about getting off of the wait list.</p>
<p>How do we find out about merit-based scholarships?</p>
<p>Son was accepted and is thrilled. In-state; 3.8(w), 710(cr), 600(m). He will be attending the 2.17 admitted students day.</p>
<p>[JMU</a> - Freshmen Scholarships Coordinated by the Office of Admission](<a href=“http://www.jmu.edu/scholarships/freshadmin.shtml]JMU”>http://www.jmu.edu/scholarships/freshadmin.shtml)</p>
<p>Go to this link, which is part of the JMU website. It is the gateway to the various types of scholarships. They say that they automatically consider all accepted applicants for scholarships and notify by 10 April. However, they point out that these are extremely competitive. Once you get to the school, there are some departmental merit scholarships that students can apply for, as well.</p>