JMU Honors program

Can anyone update me on the current quality of the JMU Honors program?

I have been accepted to JMU and the Honors program and am very curious to hear about it from current participants.

@Pancho98 I am not a current participant; however, I have talked to a few. I have heard that there are many benefits such as one of the best norms (near STEM subjects), class registration priority (before others), an opportunity to teach classes as an older student, A summer internship (travel), honors classes that are MUCH SMALLER than normal JMU classes, a guided Capstone project I believe, etc. I have heard wonderful things about the program and was also accepted. I can ask the person I know if you have any questions (that is if an honors student does not roll around on here- which I am sure with time one will)! Congrats by the way!