<p>I want to go to JMU. </p>
<p>The admissions officer came to our school the other day to talk to us and he said that JMU doesn't even really look at GPA anymore because it's so subjective to how the school calculates it. He said they mostly look at your SAT scores, course load, and extra curriculars. He did however say that they look for students with mostly A's and B's in hard classes. I have been taking AP/ Honors all through high school. As of now- and this is rough semester estimate- out of my 28 classes I have gotten an A or a B in 23 of them. The remaining 5 classes I recieved C pluses and unfortunately a D plus. One C and the D plus (never had a D all year but failed my final so...) were in math courses. I'm very bad at math and I want to be an English major so hopefully they'll take this into consideration before denying me. Another C was in Chemistry which involves a load of math so that explains that. The other two were very weird situations because I recieved the last two C's in my Spanish 4 and my U.S. History courses, but I had B's as semester grades and somehow they averaged out as C pluses...I went into talk to guidance about this and they showed me the math and it added up, but it was still weird. It was definetely because of doing poorly on finals. My teachers' rule of thumb is that you ususally score one letter grade lower on finals than you do on a normal test and since I'm a B student usually, C's on my finals makes since.</p>
<p>Anyway do you think that 23/ 28 classes is MOSTLY A's and B's enough? Especially since I take very difficult classes?</p>