JMU Musical Theatre

<p>I have been posting here for about a year, and haven’t really talked about the fact that I am the Musical Theatre Coordinator at James Madison University in VA (although I have PM-ed people who have expressed interest in JMU)… mainly because when I joined it had more to do with sharing information based upon my past experiences as a MT performer than talking about JMU, and because most people on CC are interested in BFA, rather than BA options. Ironically, I actually found CC when doing a Google search on BA MT programs when I was working on a curriculum revision in my first semester at JMU last fall. </p>

<p>Since JMU has come up again lately on CC, I thought I would “come out”, give some info on the program, and offer to answer any questions that people may have.</p>

<p>JMU is a public four year university in Harrisonburg, VA…. About 2 hours SW of DC, 2 hours NW of Richmond, and 2 hours NE of Roanoke. The Musical Theatre concentration in the School of Theatre & Dance is a BA. There is also a BM in Music Theatre offered through the School of Music. For information on the differences and similarities between the two degree programs go to <a href=“[/url]”></a> </p>

<p>The two program audition and are administered separately, but the students are grouped in many of their classes, and as the Musical Theatre Coordinator in the School of Theatre & Dance I am lucky enough to work with students in both majors. Students in the Vocal Performance and Music Education concentrations in the School of Music, and the Theatre concentration in the School of Theatre & Dance are also often involved in Musical Theatre at JMU, both in productions and in classes.</p>

<p>JMU pops up on some students lists as an alternative to BFA programs, other students who are seeking a BA in MT find that JMU is exactly the kind of experience for which they are looking. JMU is a BA program, and our students take a relatively hefty number of Gen Ed courses compared to most BFA programs. Some students thrive in this environment, others are really more well suited to a conservatory environment. The major requires 58 credits in music, theatre and dance out of the 120 credits that are needed to obtain the BA degree. However, most of our students end up taking far more than 120 credits, supplementing the required courses with additional courses in dance, acting, and music. Many of our majors also choose to double major and/ or study abroad during their time at JMU. </p>

<p>An audition is required for admittance to the MT concentration in the School of Theatre & Dance and the BM MT concentration in the School of Music. I do not know the stats for the School of Music (contact the School fo Music for audition information), but this year in the BA MT concentration in the School of Theatre & Dance we had about a 25% admit rate. We aim to have 8 – 12 new majors starting in the MT concentration in the School of Theatre & Dance each year. The number of incoming students will likely remain the same regardless of how many students audition in the future, in order to over individual mentorship and performance opportunities to students, and to keep the MT concentration in balance with the Theatre and Dance concentrations in the School of Theatre & Dance.</p>

<p>Many of our graduates perform in regional theatre, national tours, off and on Broadway. Some of our grads go on to graduate school, and most pursue careers in the performing arts. Currently, we have graduates performing in the national tour of Jersey Boys, the Broadway company of Grease, among others. This summer many of our current students performed at summer theatres around the US. </p>

<p>If anyone has any questions about JMU, or would like me to put you in contact with current students, please feel free to post here, PM me, or email me at <a href=“”></a>.</p>

<p>I will also continue to post as “myself”, not in relation to my current professional capacity. I have learned a lot of CC this past year, and have made many online friends… I look forward to my continued involment on this discussion board. </p>

<p>:) KatMT</p>

<p>Thank you for explaining the program! I still need to visit JMU but it's on my short list of schools to apply to already. Do you know where I could find the accept % for the BM program? Who would I ask?</p>

<p>Hi ALegitBelter,</p>

<p>I would contact the admission corrdinator in the school of music. I do not know if they make this information public or not.</p>

<p>The information on the School of Music admissions can be found at: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>The audition dates for the Musical Theatre and Theatre Concentrations will be set shortly. I will post them here as soon as we have confirmed the dates, but you can also check the JMU Theatre and Dance Website: <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>They will be posted shortly.</p>

<p>Thanks, Kat. I have long wondered where you work, and now you have revealed that info! A friend's daughter is about to enter her senior year at JMU (not in performance, however) and loves it, and she has been urging my MTer to take a look at the school and program. It's great that you are bringing that to the fore!</p>

<p>Please feel free to email me if you have any questions. I am also more than happy to arrange a department visit or set your D up via email with a current student who can give her the "real deal" info :)</p>

<p>Thanks, Kat. I will have my D drop you a PM. Your help is appreciated.</p>

<p>KatMT, I appreciate your posts on JMU's musical theatre program. My S and I attended a performance of "Urinetown" the night before his All-State band audition in February and were very impressed with the entire production: actors, crew, and directors. Bravo! My S is considering JMU for music or musical theatre for Fall 2009. What is the latest target date for the opening of the new performing arts center? On paper it looks like it will be a tremendous facility, but I understand that the target date for completion has been pushed back at least once.</p>

<p>The target date has been pushed back once -- but is now scheduled for Spring of 2010. From what I understand this is as firm as a building completion date can be... I know that on the theatre side we plan on moving in in the spring of 2010 and start department productions in the new facility in the fall of 2010.</p>

<p>Glad that you enjoyed Urinetown -- it was an incredibly fun show on which to work! </p>

<p>Feel free to post or PM me with any other questions that you or your S may have.</p>


<p>Great info. This is my first foray into this forum. You mention that JMU had a 25% accept rate this year. Have letters been sent or will that happe April 1?</p>


<p>The acceptance rate I mentioned is for the BA Musical Theatre Concentration -- not JMU as a whole. </p>

<p>As far as the Musical Theatre Concentration goes -- Letters will be sent out sometime before April 1st. We are waiting for admissions to decide upon RD applicants and will send out the letters to Musical Theatre applicants right after admissions sends out their RD letters.</p>

<p>Based on the number of students who auditioned and the number we will be accepting I believe that the acceptance rate for the BA Musical Theatre concentration will be closer to 18% this year. </p>

<p>Best of luck! The waiting is the hardest part.</p>


<p>How many shows are done per year?
What is the dance component of the major like?
Thanks for helping me out.</p>

<p>Hi lucyloves --</p>

<p>The School of Theatre & Dance generally produces 1 faculty (or guest) directed mainstage musical, three faculty (or guest) directed mainstage plays, and three mainstage dance concerts. The School of Music produces one faculty (or guest) directed mainstage opera in which musical theate concentrators often participate. </p>

<p>We also have an active student directed group... Stratford Players. They generally produce 2 - 3 student directed musicals per year, and 6 - 8 student directed plays. There is also a one-act (this year 10 minute play) festival of student directed plays in the fall semester that comes out of the directing class.</p>

<p>In addition, there is generally a Musical Theatre revue (or scene program) in the fall semester in the School of Theatre and Dance (faculty directed), and an opera scene program in the spring semester in the School of Music (faculty directed).</p>

<p>In terms of the dance component... there are four required dance classes in the BA concentration. However, students are encouraged to take at least one dance class per semester (more if they so choose). Students in the MT program take dance classes with the dance concentrators.</p>

<p>Contact me if you hav additional questions.</p>

<p>Hi, I just started looking at JMU and I was wondering if they had a senior showcase for musical theatre. Also, do they have anything for performing arts management?</p>

<p>Glad to hear of your interest inn JMU. We do not currently have a senior showcase. Most of our seniors attend the united professional theatre auditions, as well as other combined audition conferences, and auditions in NYC and DC. We also have companies, directors, and casting directors who come to JMU to audition students. In terms of arts administration, on campus students hve the opportunity to work in arts administration for credit and in on campus interns. Students also have the chance to work in arts administration through our active student theate group. We also have students who have secured strong summer intenships at places like the Kennedy Center, Glimmerglass and Wolf Trap.</p>


<p>I am curious with respect to the MT program about your acceptance requirements. Just curious what the ACT / SAT requirments are, Highschool GPA and class rank requirment are and the number that apply and the number that are accepted</p>

<p>Thank you in advance</p>


<p>In roder to declare the Musical Theatre Concentration students must be admitted to James MAdison University. According to the JMU admissions website:</p>

<p>SAT/ ACT: There are no cutoffs. Total scores of 1090 to 1160 were the mid-50 percent range for the 2004 freshmen class. The mid-50 percent of ACT scores ranges between 24 to 25 of the composite score. We find the SAT I and ACT test results to be useful indicators when considered thoughtfully in conjunction with many other factors.</p>

<p>HS GPA: Because secondary schools vary by size, academic program and grading scale, we do not have rigid requirements. The majority of our incoming freshmen are ranked in the top third of their high school. Grade point averages of 3.41-3.62 were the mid-50 percent range for the 2004 freshmen class.</p>

<p>For more specific transfer student information go to: Office</a> of Admissions - James Madison University</p>

<p>Although the website says the most sucessful transfer students are students who have completed two full years of college course work, student are accepted into JMU as sophomore transfer students, so I would not let that deter an interested student.</p>

<p>In terms of admission to the Musical Theatre Concentration. This past year approximatly 100 potential freshman auditioned and 17 were admitted, 8 matriculated. 10 potential transfer students auditioned and 2 were admitted and matriculated.</p>

<p>The year before approximetely 70 potential freshmen auditioned and 16 were admitted, 9 matriculated. 12 potential transfer students auditioned and 2 were admitted and matriculated. </p>

<p>We saw significant growth in the number of students auditioning for the program between my first year and second year. I would anticipate some growth again this year. However we always aim for a freshman class of 8 - 10, accepting approximately 16 to yield that number. Transfer student admissions are based on available space in the class. We aim for no more than 12 students per class year.</p>

<p>These are the numbers for the BA Musical Theatre program ONLY.</p>

<p>I hope this helps.</p>

<p>:) Kat</p>


<p>Thank you very much for the detailed response and insight of the program and such.</p>

<p>I am confident that my d will be doing more investigating to the program and also visiting sometime in 2009</p>

<p>Thank you again</p>


<p>Kat, I hope you don't mind my jumping in here, considering you teach at JMU. As you say, you must be admitted to JMU before being accepted for MT. </p>

<p>I haven't looked at the admissions stats on JMU's own site from which you quoted above. As you quoted, those were the stats of admitted students in the fall of 2004. As you may be aware, JMU has become more selective each year. </p>

<p>And so I am concerned that some may assess their academic chances at JMU based on the stats you quoted for the class that entered four years ago. </p>

<p>The stats of the class that entered in fall of 2007, according to USNews and World Report, which are stats that JMU reported directly to them, are as follows:</p>

<p>The overall acceptance rate was 63.5%. </p>

<p>The average GPA for accepted students was 3.7. </p>

<p>29% were in the top 10% of their HS class.
75% were in the top 25%.
98% were in the top 50%. </p>

<p>The mid SATs of accepted students were:
CR 570-610
M 530-620
W 520-610
Combined CR/M: 1050-1230
Combined totals: 1570-1840. </p>

<p>Mid ACT range: 22-26. </p>

<p>I am sure the stats rose for the current entering class in 2008 and will again for this next cycle again. The acceptance rate will likely continue to go down (more selective). </p>

<p>So, I do believe the stats now are not what you reported and am wondering if JMU's site hasn't been updated? I haven't looked, admittedly. But I am reporting more recent stats than the ones you quoted for the class that entered four years ago. It is harder to get in now than it was then.</p>

<p>If I am incorrect....PLEASE tell me! I looked it up only because when I read your post, those stats seemed lower than I remembered quoting my students and so I looked again. And also you did says the freshmen class of 2004 and I know it is harder now than it was then to get in.</p>


<p>Out of curiousity, I decided to visit JMU's own site and they actually have the stats for the class that entered fall of 2008 whereas I think Kat gave the stats for 2004 and I gave them above for the fall of 2007. </p>

<p>So, as I predicted, it is even more competitive than the stats I gave for a year ago....</p>

<p>Here is what JMU is reporting for the new freshmen class:</p>

Applications: 19,600
Applicants accepted: 58%
Applicants enrolled: 3,967
Average SAT Score: 1140
* SAT mid-50 percent range: 1100-1230
* ACT mid-50 percent range: 24-28
* Top third of high school class: 88%
Freshman retention rate: 91%</p>

<p>Competitive candidates will have mostly As and Bs in the core academic areas (English, math, lab science, social science and foreign language)</p>

<p>Competitive candidates for admission will have taken upper level coursework in the core academic areas (i.e. Honors, AP, IB, Dual Enrollment) when available in their high school.</p>

<li>These figures are from the 2007 Academic year. Statistics have been provided by Institutional Research.


<p>As you can see, the acceptance rate is lower this year than the year I reported (2007). However, they are giving test score data from the same year I gave it (2007).</p>