<p>Hey CC,
I got accepted to both U. Mich. and NYU.
I live in New York and was offered more money from NYU but I prefer U. Mich. just because of its prestige and reputation.</p>
<p>But I'm wondering if internship or job opportunities are not as abundant in Ann Arbor as it is in New York City. And that's something that's holding me back; whether 4 years from now, New York would be a far better location for a career. </p>
<p>I know I might be asking in the wrong place because many of you may be biased towards U Mich, but I just want someone's opinion that could really help me out</p>
<p>I got accepted into LSA in U Mich but I'm not exactly sure if I'll branch out into business or not. But just generally speaking, can anyone help me out here?
Thank you!</p>
<p>Your first mistake is your notion that your job opportunities are restricted to the city in which you go to school, which isn’t true at all. UMich has a good reputation all over the country, including in NYC.</p>
<p>I see, thank you
I figured that but I was always skeptic and bent on that NYC will take an NY state school over an out of state school because of experience, familiarity, etc. </p>
<p>Thanks entenduintransit! Anyone else, please?</p>
<p>I’m from Cleveland, Ohio and go to Michigan, but all 3 of my co-ops/internships have been in Cleveland and Columbus. </p>
<p>You won’t be restricted to just Ann Arbor internships (which, outside of computer stuff, there doesn’t seem to be a ton), or even greater Detroit internships. </p>
<p>On the engineering job board there are literally job postings from all over the country. If you want to work in NYC after college going to Michigan won’t be a deterrent. If anything, it might be good for you to go to school some where different than your home now. You know, “finding yourself” “college experience” and all that crap</p>
<p>I’m currently a student at NYU right now, and while it’s easier to both work and study at the same time here, you’re much better off going to Michigan. Sorry if it’s a bit irrelevant, but you can always find work during your summers or even take a semester off if you want to. </p>
<p>At NYU, except for a select few programs, the academics here are not that great at the undergraduate level. Most of my professors have been sub-par and the students don’t really care about studying. </p>
<p>In fact, I’m transferring to Michigan this coming fall unless Dartmouth, Harvard, or Columbia come through. This is because Michigan would provide a much more well rounded college experience, MUCH better academics, and a worldwide reputation NYU can only dream of matching.</p>
<p>At admitted students day, in the Kineseology school, they showed us Sports Mgmt internships from all over the country. Especially in the summer, when you can work in your home city or even elsewhere. One student had an internship with the Los Angeles Dodgers, who have a farm team in MI. The possibilities are endless, you just need to think outside the Ann Arbor box. Good luck!</p>
<p>Thanks everyone for answering! I feel much more at ease, thank you all for the extremely helpful input
I think I’m making the right choice with UM. </p>
<p>@mistasuggs thanks for your personal opinion, it’s helpful to hear that from a student of NYU; I’ve been stuck between those schools for quite some time… I wish you luck on your college endeavors!!</p>