<p>Anyone here provide good tips on how to conduct a good meeting with employers? Gladly appreciate it!</p>
<p>Revise your resume so that you have something to talk about. And most important, eat breakfast! it helps!</p>
<p>Try and research possible interview questions so that you are prepared and dont end up in a long silence with the interviewer.</p>
<p>Research the company, and make sure you can answer the question: why do you want to work for us/?</p>
<p>Arrive 15min early and be nice to the secretary, because the interview might ask her opinion of you after you leave.</p>
<p>Ask for their business card, and send them a thank you note no later 48 hours after the interview.</p>
<p>Good luck!!!</p>
<p>Wear a suit and tie.</p>
<p>Look the interviewer in the eye at all times. (it drives me crazy when interviewers don't look me in the eye)</p>
<p>Be prepared for a female interviewer or multiple interviewers at once.</p>
<p>Be prepared to answer negative questions (ie What's your biggest weakness? Tell me something bad about yourself? etc)</p>
<p>Always wear a watch. </p>
<p>Don't cross your legs, sit up straight and be articulate.</p>
<p>Try your best to not sound monotonic or too casual.</p>
<p>Shake the interviewer's hand firmly upon entrance.</p>
<p>Don't ask about pay or benefits until you have the job for sure.</p>
<p>Wait to smoke until after the interview, and don't bring cell phone and other needless stuff into interview.</p>
<p>Most important of all, if they ask if you can do a certain skill, say YES and worry about it later.</p>
<p>Firm handshake: IBM commented on how firm mine was.</p>
<p>Read, read read: <a href="http://www.vault.com%5B/url%5D">www.vault.com</a>, read about their news articles, read everything.</p>
<p>Know the questions that you are going to ask beforehand.</p>
<p>Thank you Emails, 24 hours, after.</p>
<p>Leave them your business card.</p>
<p>5 qualities, and 5 faults of yourself: MEMORIZE.</p>
<p>Be prepared to answer out of the box questions: Why is a manhole round (it can't fall it, easy to roll around); If you were going to stuck on an island with 3 people--who would they be; what part of a hamburger would you be... etc etc. Investment Banking questions are like this--expect 40 questions (if this is a banking interview).</p>
<p>Always wear a suit. You wear a watch because it shows, if it's under your sleeve all the time no use. Dress conservatively. Turn off cell phones, do not talk to ANYONE until you leave the building</p>
<p>Bring a dozen r</p>
<p>"Most important of all, if they ask if you can do a certain skill, say YES and worry about it later."</p>
<p>You had me with your list of advice until this! Don't lie. An interview is 2 sided - yours and the company's which is to find the best person AT THAT TIME for the job. The interviewer should get the opportunity to decide if you are this person based on the truth - not on what you think you will be able to learn after you get hired! If you are hired because of this lie and you cannot do the job, you will be and should be let go. If they believe from your interview that you have other qualities they want, they may be willing to train you for their needs. If not, you have cost the hiring company time and money because they will have to start the applicant search again and YOU have to explain 'the reason you left your last postition' - which is part of nearly every application/interview - in as good a light as possible. Hopefully without lying again. The truth may not get you the job, but you won't have to 'worry about it later'.</p>