Job Placement out of marshall

<p>question- I am probably going to be attending usc next year and will be in the marshall school. i was reading about job placement and obviously since usc is a west coast school there is a low percentage of marshall grads who take jobs in NYC. i might be interested in working in nyc one day, so my parents and i were wondering if it is more of a result of the fact that students do not want *to go to the east coast or if it is a result of them being *unable to get jobs in NYC. i've heard nothing but good things about job placement out of USC, so i would assume that the opportunities to get off the west coast are there for students who really want to. thanks.</p>

<p>I'm curious too; I know USC's Trojan Network is incredibly strong in CA/west-coast, but how about across the country, specifically NYC/east-coast?</p>

<p>I am also curious. Anyone know? I know at the Annenberg School for Communication they have many opportunities to intern in NYC, which could help people get connected with jobs in the north east. What about Marshall?</p>

<p>just an opinion... if you're looking to EVENTUALLY get to nyc, rather than immediately after graduation, the usc degree probably won't make a difference one way or another, because once you've worked in socal, for example, your work experience will matter more than where you got your degree for future jobs.</p>

<p>It depends on the person. I have a few friends who were offered positions in New York, but the degree WILL carry less weight in New York then LA.</p>