Job prospects for Business Administration/International business.

<p>My sister is going to be attending Towson university this fall. She has decided she wants to major in Business Administration with a concentration in International Business. I am concerned that she will graduate and become underemployed because of the market these days.</p>

<p>What are the job prospects for graduates with this degree? What kind of jobs do most graduates with this degree get?</p>

<p>Business Admin degrees are typically one of the worst for employment. Too soft. The degree is all theory.</p>

<p>My degree is in Business Administration with an option in Accounting. I took essentially identical courses you would take as an Accountant with some business courses sprinkled on top. Same prospects as an Accounting degree.</p>

<p>That being said, International Business option is one of the worst options to get. There are little to no employment opportunities.</p>

<p>Business Administration is all about the concentration and the school’s reputation for said concentration. Typically accounting, information systems, and finance usually have the best prospects for employment, but again it is highly dependent on the connections that the school has with recruiting.</p>

<p>Definitely agree with the above responses. I’ve never heard of Towson university and a business administration job prospects is heavily dependent on the type of school you go to. I would tell your sister that you don’t necessarily need a business degree to go into business. Economics is a great alternative that might give better job opportunities.</p>

<p>If you search “CareerDean” on google, that’s a great place where professionals in the industry meet to help answer your questions.</p>