Jobs after college

<p>So I'm interested in biology and anthropology.
Specifically, genetics and marine biology aspects for biology and archaeology for anthropology.
I'm pretty sure I'm gearing more towards biology, and just wondering how hard is it to find a job nowadays that pertain to genetics and/or marine sciences.
Thanks! :)</p>

<p>FYI - There’s a field that combines most of your interests…</p>

<p>Biological Anthropology</p>

<p>[Biological</a> anthropology - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“]Biological”>Biological anthropology - Wikipedia)</p>

<p>There’s also bioarchaeology which is closely related.</p>

<p>Jobs aren’t hard to come by in the fields you mentioned. You can always work as a lab tech, field tech, etc., but career type jobs are hard to come by and often require a PhD (for both the sciences and anthropology).</p>

<p>Actually you can also easily shift to a career in finance (consulting, iBanking) with any science degree - they are just looking for people with strong quantitative and analytical skills (that you will develop with your bio/anthro major).</p>

<p>Also, genetic will be a good place to be in 5-10 years, when it will be possible to sequence everyone’s genome for $1000… Will completely redefine Healthcare…</p>

<p>vastlyoverrated- Thanks for that link, I’m going to look into it more when I get the chance :). And yeahhh I know about the PhD requirement, and if I decide to purse a marine bio career I might look into the PhD program at scripps here at UCSD :)</p>

<p>Biud- Thanks for the information. Just in time, I’ll be graduating college in 5-10 years :wink: haha.</p>