<p>I have been hearing stories about how tough it is to find jobs out of college with an IR degree along with stories that it is completely useless. Can anyone verify about this because its scaring the heck out of me. Thanks</p>
<p>lol, it's not to me. I'm going off to law school, so there's my answer. But you could always work in DC with that degree, trust me. Besides that, if you think about it, nearly every degree is useless. Even chemestry. Cause if you wanna get paid, even with a Chem. degree, they expect grad school. Grad school is becomming just as important as a bachlers degree used to be decades ago.</p>
<p>There's actually alot you can do with an international relations degree. You can work for the government, for multinational corp, for other schools (teach), for the media (journalism), etc. It's not a useless major at all, in fact, it is becoming even more popular. I'm going for a international affairs degree..mainly because I like all the possibilities with that. So, I say "go for it"..especially if you really like the field. Good luck though..wish you the best</p>
<p>I just want to do it because I believe it's going to REALLY give me an understanding of this world. Its just such an important subject, and I can't pass it up. I could have taken the easy route and chose Poli Sci but I opted for the challange that comes with an IA degree - which is no joke.</p>
<p>that's true..it does give you a good understanding of the world..I like that as well. So, you're going into law? I wondered about that too (with the major).</p>
<p>Yea, I think it would help me a lot as far as analyzing laws and knowing how and where they came from. Of course we'd learn that in Law School, but I believe it'll give me a head start. Either way,it's just something I think would be nice for me to learn.</p>
<p>yes, and that skill (analyzing dif. laws), is important for the future, as more and more people work with others from around the world.</p>