John Cabot University

Hi! I’m a high school senior and I was accepted to John Cabot University in Rome! Have you attended or know someone else who has attended JCU? I’m really interested in international affairs and sociology, what is the difficulty of the classes? Did/do you like the school? Are the people there kind and supportive, or snobby and closed-off? I struggle to ask for help sometimes so I was wondering what the professors are like and if they’re supportive? Do they have office hours and if so are they accessible? What is the social life like? Are the clubs fun? Are there on-campus job or internship opportunities? Did you feel safe? Does JCU host job fairs? What are dorms like, do they do RAs like in the US? Final question! Do they have intramural sports? Thank you so much !

Hi there! Make sure to email us directly at and we will be happy to help! :slight_smile:

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