<p>So apparently I was selected to be a John Jay scholar...What exactly is it? and is it just supercicial or does it actually help with something?</p>
<p>OMG YOU ARE AMAZING WE WANT YOU!!! (dont go to HYP)...</p>
<p>Yea, that's what it means.</p>
<p>read other threads on this and the 2011 board to get some info. lots of discussion on scholars.</p>
<p>did you get into harvard? i think it exists - at least partially - as a way to lure you away from HYP. but yeah, there are some other threads on it.</p>
<p>geez top 1% of applicants to columbia.
<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Jay_Scholars%5B/url%5D">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Jay_Scholars</a></p>