Johns Hopkins, Cornell or Sophie Davis for pre-med???

<p>I got accepted but I am still unsure of what school to go to. Does anyone have any advice?</p>

<p>Strongly consider Hopkins. I definitely wouldn’t go to Sophie Davis…first of all, although you are guaranteed of a spot in a med school upon admission, it could be SUNY Downstate, upstate ( they almost lost their accreditation last year ), Buffalo, and NYU… but the idea of these 6 year programs is to take away the pressure of premed so you can concentrate on your medical studies… a complete fallacy. You still have to compete to get into the better of these schools ( NYU , or Buffalo ), or you could wind up at Downstate in brooklyn, not exactly the most picturesque area of NY. </p>

<p>If you really apply yourself at JHU, you have the whole field of med schools available to you, Harvard, Hopkins, Wash U… why limit yourself? Also, I believe that you develop yourself when you have the uncertainty of med school acceptance to contend with. You are robbed of this in the 6 year schools. Some of the worst physicians I know graduated from these 6 year factories.</p>

<p>Also, how do you REALLY know you want to become a doctor at this age? Most people need those 3-4 years of undergrad in a competitive institution to really find that out. Don’t let the misconception of guaranteed physician-level salaries and social prestige influence you at this age … go to a place that you really can develop your mind, your abilities. You’ll need that when you’re a doc. Read my post on another thread, Hopkins BME vs Penn.</p>