Journalism and Law school and English confusion?

<p>I am a very confused college freshman needing help with a college degree. I have currently declared a Journalism major at University of Idaho. I have taken three years of high school on journalism and know that I enjoy it. However, I am worried for my job prospects after college and that many people seem to think that a journalism degree is not needed to be a journalist and having a journalism degree would therefore limit me.
My dream in life is to become a young adult novelist or a lawyer. However, I decided not to go with an English degree since I enjoy creative writing and did not enjoy writing an eleven page senior paper. I currently am working on writing a book on the side as I attend school.
With all of that information in mind I would like some advice on my career trajectory. Do journalism and law go well together? If so, to become what type of lawyer? I have also considered doing a dual major in Journalism and Environmental Science and then heading to law school to become an environmental lawyer. I was hoping with the dual major I would be able to find employment out of college if I do not become a lawyer. Thoughts on that? Would an English major better suit my needs than a Journalism major? Should I consider a different major entirely? </p>

<p>Thank you in advance anything helps.</p>

<p>My daughter faces the same dilemma. While she is the editor in chief for her school newspaper she so devoted and loved, she realizes that getting a job as a journalist after college is 1) limited and 2) low paid. Unless you are in one of the top journalism schools such as NW or Syracuse, the prospect of a great job may be limited to your connections more than your grades. </p>

<p>As to law degree, it is a very different ball game. Frankly, this country is producing more lawyers than it needs. Thus, the general 80/20 rule applies - that is: 20% of the lawyers makes 80% of the top money and vice versa. To be that top 20%, you will need 3 things: 1) graduate from one of T14 schools, 2) be the top 20% of your class, OR 3) have great connections.<br>
But to get into T14 schools, you will need 4 things: 1) get into a Top 25 US colleges, 2) graduate with a high GPA (3.8 or higher) 3) Great LSAT score (170+) OR 4) great connections.</p>

<p>We all know there are people who got into the T25 school because their family has great connections. These same connection could also get them into the T14 schools. And from there, they will get into some law firm and becomes partners eventually. But then, if you are one of those lucky few, you probably will not be reading this forum anyway. </p>

<p>For the rest of us, it is going to be grades, grades and grades.</p>