Journalism at Miami

<p>How is the communications school at Miami, or in particular the journalism department? Should I bother applying here from NJ? I know it's a good school, but is the communications school up to par or is it just average? Thanks</p>


<p>Journalism here in Miami is strong, according to my friends who are in school of communications. I think it is just “overshadowed” by other prestigious schools in Miami, such as Miller, Frost, or even SBA.
FYI- if you see UM alumni lists, you might be surprised at how many famous people there for school of communication (besides sports)</p>

<p>Also, if I remember correctly, UM does not need a supplementary essay-- which means, you should take a shot applying here without any tedious essay writings or resume.</p>



<p>I think many people reading your original post are not sure what you are looking for as evidence UMiami “(is) up to par or is it just average?” We can provide anecdotal examples, but are you looking for some kind of rating? For instance, I know of a journalism grad who is now writing for a major sports outlet’s .com site, however, you will have to buy US News’ College Compass if you are looking for a rating.</p>