Journalism at UMD, worth out of state tuition?

<p>I recently graduated from a school in Raleigh, North Carolina and after graduation I decided to take a year off. I went to Brazil for a semester and am now doing an internship at a popular radio station in my area. </p>

<p>I have been accepted to Penn State, University of Maryland, as well as a private university in NC, High Point University. My first choice is Maryland because I was also accepted into the scholars program for Media, Self, and Society as well as the location and all the possible internship/job opportunities in DC . My other option was going to a community college then maybe transferring to UNC Chapel Hill. Since I am out-of-state maryland's gonna cost me around 40,000 a year. </p>

<p>What's the best option?</p>

<p>Is out of state tuition at Maryland worth it for broadcast journalism majors? </p>

<p>Please help if you can, I'd appreciate it.</p>

<p>How much will it cost after financial aid? Are you getting any merit money?</p>

<p>I’m only getting like $7,000 in financial aid which consists of unsubsidized loans and federal work study</p>

<p>Yeah it’s not worth it to be in that much debt.</p>

<p>Agreed – don’t put yourself in that much debt. If you’re doing broadcast, generally you start off with a very low-to-medium salary. I met a girl from a news station who told me she started off after college making $18k/yr. </p>

<p>With that said, UNC Chapel Hill is an amazing school for journalism. I’m sure the IS tuition and finaid will do you better than OOS tuition for Maryland (and from experience, I bet Penn State didn’t give you much/any aid either).</p>

<p>May I ask what your opinion was of High Point? I hear they have amazing media facilities. Did they offer any merit award?</p>

@ShadowNinja17 , what did you end up doing and what would be your advice to today’s rising seniors?