Journalism/ Communication

<p>Hi everyone, I am new and a junior in high school and I just had a couple questions.
1. What are the differences in Journalism and Communications?
2. If I want to write for a sports magazine (Sports Illustrated) or become a play by play announcer or appear on (ESPN) are these the right majors?
3. I have heard that I don't necessarily need to major in these for undergrad? Should I or should I wait for after my undergrad?
And should I major in something like liberal arts or business as well?
4. If I do not need to major in these, what should I major in?
5. What are some recommended classes and extra curricular should I take in high school to help me?
6. I have heard that USC, Columbia, UC Berkley, Mizzou, NYU are pretty good. Any other recommendations?
Overall, I would just like to know what courses of actions I should start taking, in detail, in order for me to become a sports announcer or journalist.
So what should I do? (SAT prep, classes to take, what extra curricular, where to apply, what to major in)
Thank you.</p>