Journalism Double Major With...

<p>My dream is to work for a publication such as National Geographic or Smithsonian magazine, because I am interested in historical and multicultural topics. I'm not sure if it would be best to double major/minor in Journalism and History or Journalism and Cultural Anthropology. I am more interested in Anthropology, because it seems to be a more relevent, applicable field in comparison to history. Cultural patterns interest me more than historical events. However, I am also tempted to choose History, because of the chance that I could get my teaching certification in it as a backup job in case journalism doesn't work out. My question is would it be too much to Major in Journalism and History (which would probably also include a minor in ed.) and come out in four-five years? If I majored in Journalism and Anthropology, but later wanted to be a history teacher, would it be easy to get my certification, or are there not enough overlapping courses between Anthropology and History? Has anyone in here ever majored or minored in Anthropology or History or considered it? Which path do you think would give me more options, along with a Journalism degree? Which do you think would be more interesting?
I'm currently taking AP US history, and I am quite bored by the purely rote memorization of names and dates. There is very little analysis/essay work. Do college history courses involve more synthesis of information? Is anthropology more analysis or is regurgitating information?</p>

<p>Depending on how carefully you plan your courses, a double major and minor is feasible, though you could also just major in one subject and double minor in the others if you think you won’t have enough time.</p>

<p>History in college isn’t really just pure memorization of names and dates, though it can include that. Both the history classes I’ve taken involved a long research paper and tests included matching/id/essay questions, but the two classes I’ve taken are pretty basic/intro level. There’s definitely plenty of reading to do, from primary sources and textbooks and lots of writing to do. At my school, history majors spend two semesters writing a 30-40 page research paper of a topic of their choosing. They have to do primary research, with their primary resources the foundation of their research - they do a lot of interpretation and analyzing with that.</p>

<p>There won’t be overlapping courses between anthropology and history. Whether or not you’ll be able to get teaching certification probably depends a lot on the specific state and its requirements, though I don’t know really know much about the education field.</p>

<p>Most college classes aren’t going to be regurgitating information. There will be some when you take the basic, lower level classes, but the higher level courses aren’t going to be simple memorization.</p>

<p>I’m in a similar situation. I want to go into Journalism, and I’m thinking a double major would help me land a job faster, whether it be in journalism or not, I figure the broader my field of study is the more choices I’ll have. I don’t want to overload myself with coursework though, as I’ve done in the past. I’m thinking about a double major in International Studies, or maybe Political Science? I’ve also heard that a minor in Journalism alongside work on the college paper can look good as well. Any more advice??</p>

<p>I’m currently a double major in Journalism and Political Science. It encompasses all my interests while remaining relevant with all of my future goals. Plus, in tandem, they compliment one another. </p>

<p>My advice is to go with whatever you feel with benefit you while keeping you interested.</p>

<p>And as far as finishing in time goes, I’m on track for graduation in 4 years…and that includes completing the Honors Program I’m a part of. It’s completely do-able.</p>

<p>I am looking for a school where one can major in journalism and studio arts, preferably a school that is not excessively competitive. Any suggestions?</p>

<p>Kansas City Art Institute has a Creative Writing major with a minor in Studio art. [Home</a> | Kansas City Art Institute](<a href=“”> Not really sure how competitive it is, my D has applied and is waiting to hear…</p>