Journalism Schools for Above Average Student

<p>My daughter is finishing her sophomore year in high school and I figure it's time to get her thinking about college. </p>

<p>She currently has a 3.7 UW Gpa and I would guess she will end up somewhere around a 28-30 ACT.</p>

<p>She likes Michigan State (we are in Michigan) but I am wondering what other schools we should take a closer look at either in Michigan or outside the state. I don't think we would want to pay OOS rates - but we would look at a school that might offer merit aid or department scholarships to someone with her stats.</p>

<p>I don't know much about the field of journalism but she does seem to show talent in this area (at least according to her journalism teacher.)</p>

<p>Just trying to get the ball rolling. Again, she may end up at Michigan State - which I understand has a pretty decent journalism program, but I want to make sure she looks at all reasonable ($$$) options. (Also, she needs to keep her grades up to be accepted to Michigan State. It's not a safety for her.)</p>

<p>Northwestern is a great school with an awesome journalism school. You should take a look at it even though it may be a reach with those stats but I know it offers great financial aid and top opportunities/education</p>

<p>Syracuse’s Newhouse School is amazing. Northwestern, U Missouri, U Maryland, Indiana U, Penn State, USC (far but very good journalism), U Illinois all have really good journalism programs, besides Michigan State.</p>

<p>I believe Arizona State’s Walter Cronkite School is great for broadcast journalism, too.</p>

<p>I would say look into both Penn State’s University Park and Syracuse’s Newhouse.</p>

<p>I don’t know if you have looked at Ole Miss, but I am majoring in journalism there & it is a fantastic dept. The professors there have such brilliant connections. A professor got this girl interviews with Women’s Health & Vogue Magazines for internships. She took the Vogue one. :slight_smile: Also, Mr.Magazine is a professor there. He has been featured on GMA & editors of magazines often come to him to seek advice. Also, Ole Miss is one of the most affordable schools in the SEC & is referred to as The Harvard of the South. :)</p>