Journalism vs. English for Aspiring Authors

<p>Well, the name says it all. I want to major in either journalism or English, double majoring with chemical engineering prior to going to law school (I am already 3 years in on chemical engineering and will be going to law school, regardless - that's not what this post is about). If I want to write as an author in my free time and become a better writer overall, which major, journalism or English, would help me do that?</p>


<p>This is a great question. I’m interested as well. I’m an anthro major aspiring to attend law school, but also would like to minor in a subject that will enhance the overall skill of my writing.</p>

<p>I would think that a major in English would be more suiting to improve your quality of writing. With the shift of journalism to new media, many required classes for journalism revolve around the use of technology to create news stories, something you may not benefit from if your sole purpose is to learn to write. To be a good writer, you must be a good reader, a trait that an English major should certainly help you develop.</p>

<p>Either way, most schools have required writing classes that should help you out, along with elective writing classes and programs you can take part in regardless of your major.</p>