
<p>guess what!! i got "accepted" to JSA at Princeton...is this something I should be "proud" of??? do people actually get rejected?? i mean is it even selective??</p>

<p>who else is going this summer??</p>

<p>who enrolled in Pol. Philosophy at Princeton?</p>

<p>i've apllied for pol philsophy and politcical debate... i just sent in my application 2 days ago. </p>

<p>how long did it take you to receive your acceptance letter? apparently JSA is accepting 3 people from my school for full scholarships, i have no idea why. i don't want to sound too confident, but considering the other applicants, i probably will be accpted.</p>

<p>sounds like not that many ppl apply, cuz i got accepted, taking ap comp. govt. and political speech</p>