Only a week to go! How are you guys preparing for the new format?
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Doing Barron’s new sat practice tests and doing the wrong ones again for reading, writing and math with calculator and without. Also doing the blue book practice for the old exam for writing and reading because those haven’t changed. I hope I can get to 1500. I’m at 1430 right now
Hi everyone. I’m only at a 1320-1360 range right now and I’m trying to beat or at least match my 31 on the ACT. I keep scoring lower in the reading section, especially choosing evidence to support my answer in the previous question. Does anyone have any tips?
Taking this one in one week… Anyone have tips for Math (especially those damn algebra questions)?
My best score is a 1310 on Khanacademy’s Practice Tests (took it twice); and I expected to do much better, but jesus christ my eyes were hurtin looking at the computer screen, lol. No excuses for my poor score, but I am doing more Khanacademy questions and I am doing Kaplan’s workbooks to review. I suck so much in writing it’s not even funny. I believe KA’s best resource is the writing because the grammar rules are very straightforward/clear; on the SAT it will be the same grammar rules you will have to apply. The style of sentences doesn’t make difference to me. Also the examples are easygoing. I feel eh on the Math because KA’s Math is SO time-consuming. Anyways I identified my weaknesses and I’m trying to strengthen them;hopefully I will score at least a 1400 (hopefully, more).
@GMKoon I recommend you to go to cracksatnet website and do their Heart of Algebra practice problems. Their website is really helpful and has tons of resources for the New Sat for more practice. I took the PSAT (don’t know if it’s accurate) and I got a perfect on the Heart of Algebra, I didn’t find them difficult; I struggled on the additional topics because they totally blindsided me lol. What math are you taking now? KA has Heart of Algebra practice problems that I *believe is harder than the test so if you can do that, in theory you’’ do fine on the SAT. Do you know what you’re weak on?
disclaimer: I am not a genius or anything, I am just a high school student suggesting lol
Not even a week left! Damn! So nervous.
@jellybeanj I face EXACTLY the same problem. Evidence based questions suck. Somebody please tell how to tackle them?
@Mister1082 Even I am doing Barron’s. My score fluctuates: 1390 to 1480. I hope to score more than at least 1520 8-|
I’ve taken the ACT and SAT Subject Tests a few times, but this will be my first SAT. I will also be taking the essay portion. I downloaded the practice tests from the College Board website and am using Kaplan for strategies.
Good luck to everyone!
Do you guys think colleges might lower the standards for sat scores expected relative to the concordance tables considering how high people have to score now to get competitive scores?
So far just keep getting 1500-1520 on my practice tests… I am trying to keep practicing but this is kind of the point where it levels out dang it.
I’ve been studying with basic concepts from khan academy which has been helpful! I have the Kaplan test book and collegeboard book. The collegeboard book sucks because you can find those tests online…
@GMKoon My math was my weakest! I raised that through mainly studying trig., geometric equations, etc through practice tests. Plus, I downloaded a paper from the internet that has a bunch of equations and printed that out. I’ve just been trying to understand and memorize them! Khan Academy and Kaplan, again, we’re my main go- tos. My score is def. not perfect yet, but that really helped!!
so… we get june scores on july 21? guess ill have anxiety for the first half of summer if my may scores arent looking good…
@Yayeducationlol 1520! Woah. That is how much I need to score. How do you handle the reading section? Help me!
Hey guys,
Not to scare anyone on here, but I’ve heard some things about the Barron’s New SAT Book math section being outdated (as in, all of their questions are from the OLD SAT) for the New SAT. I’ve been working with it for two months now and I’ve been scoring well, but when I started doing some math problems on KA they seemed like they were from a different world. It’s especially worrisome since the KA problems feed directly from Collegeboard itself.
Has anyone else noticed this? I can definitely see it given that the Barron’s book covers so little on Algebra, which is apparently a heavy topic on the test…
Good luck to everyone next Saturday
@QuantumGeek I’ve been studying practice tests. On my practice tests, I usually look over what I did wrong and then write down a few tips and pointers in my notebook so that I remember. Also, I didn’t start khan academy until a couple weeks ago. Since then, I do a few reading and writing practices daily. By getting more familiar with these types of questions, my score has increased
hope that helps, idk I kind of suck at explaining… oh, plus the collegeboard daily questions app helps a bit because it keeps an archive of questions from the past that you could use.
Ugh I’m really nervous lol
Good luck to everyone!!
I’m taking the June administration; my only problem is that I ran out of practice tests! Did KA, CollegeBoard, Kaplan, IvyGlobal, etc… Can’t wait for the exam!
@Yayeducationlol Thanks! Yes,it helps a lot 
I really like the notebook idea btw.
All the best!
Would anyone be willing to give me feedback on an essay I wrote? It’s my first one and I know I probably started really late but any tips or pointers would be appreciated! And a score if possible
What is a good essay score? (As in, what should I aim for)
Gosh, I’m taking this as well (4 days from now)! I’ve been taking many practice tests and questions, particularly with the reading section.
Good luck to everyone! 
@doctorgirl28 Sure. I am not an expert,but I can definitely give a feedback.