June 2017 Chemistry Regents

Test is Tuesday morning, start sharing concerns/questions

Lets get 100

Hey so anyone know any good websites/ techniques and methods to get a high 90 on this regent

We got this in class…200 ways to pass the chemistry regents

I would recommend taking a practice test and seeing what concepts you need work on. There are things like characteristics of ideal gases and excited states that is like always on the test. Also, know how to use each table in the reference tables.

Yes that 200 things is very good because there are a lot of terms you need to know. Take some if the recent exams on nysedregents.org

The one thing i don’t understand is Significant Figures. My original teacher couldn’t teach, and that was the only unit he taught us. The super-sub then never made us use them, so none of us know how (all ik is LN-CA-RIDE)

Significant figures are the number of digits you can measure with certainty. Here is how to find how many significant figures a number has:

  1. Ignore any zeros to the left of a number
  2. Any non-zero digit is significant.
  3. Any zero between two non-zero digits is significant
  4. Any zero after a digit after a decimal point is significant.

321 has 3 sig figs
33000000000 has 2 sig figs (since it is just 3.310^10)
4002000 has 4 sig figs (4.002
.00000002 has 1 sig fig (210^-8)
.30000 has 5 sig figs (since the zeros after the 3 tell us that we know to 5 decimal places)
.0020 has 2 sig figs (2.0

When adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, etc. numbers with sig figs, you can only be as accurate as your lesst accurate number:

2.00g*.003L is only reported to 1 sig fig since 2.00 has 3 but .003 has only 1.

Lemme know if you have any other questions. Basically, you should not say 1g/3L=.3333333333g/L because that implies that you know that you are correct to 10 decimal places. You should just say .3g/L

i get SF’s in context of just “how many does this number have” but not in application of like percent error problems

There was one a year or two back that was like “to how many significant figures should the density be reported”. I would honestly just look up a video or article online for a better explanation.

I’m really nervous about this

Just take a lot of practice tests. You will see that certain questions repeat on every single exam, almost word for word

And just review that 200 facts thing earlier in the discussion for random facts you need to know like an electrolytic cell requires an external energy source, the salt bridge allows for the flow of i one, and any avid or base is an electrolyte.

can i ask, if the question asks to round to sig figs, say the answer we get is like 5.47 and it asks state in 2 sig figs, would we put 5.5 or 5.4

5.5. The standard rules apply with rounding (5 or more go up, 4 or less go down). SFs just tell you to what decimal you round to

any chance this test got leaked?

Why do you think this test got leaked? if it did please send

Good luck to everybody out there!! You Got This!!!

Good luck guys! You got this! Let’s discuss answers after the exam