<p>I forget the exact answers we’re debating (and the added line itself), but I remember it being a highly underwhelming ending and not entirely relevant with what had been written.</p>
<p>The options were:</p>
<p>C. No, it provides irrelevant information that produces a weak ending for the paragraph
D. No, it undermines what the author previously stated in the paragraph.</p>
<p>What was the line that was to be added?</p>
<p>Something to the extent of: “Although, some people have reported that they can hear the sounds”.</p>
<p>The last sentence to the paragraph is “No one could hear the silent mystery”, or something like that.</p>
<p>Yes it was 10 char</p>
<p>@Rock are you sure when it said it said SilentMystery, it wasnt in a metaphorical sense? I thought answer C was more appropriate.</p>
<p>How would it be metaphorical?</p>
<p>EDIT: Also, which passage is this? Is it the aurora Borealis one?</p>
<p>You should never end a paragraph with something along the lines of “Although some can!” But this will probably be argued by both sides until scores are reported.</p>
<p>No, that was the added sentence. We are both in agreement that it shouldn’t be added, but our reasons differ.</p>
<p>Yeah, the ending was not correct. But im not sure which reason it’s for</p>
<p>I put D, I was stuck between the 2 but I put D because it specifically said that those autkslqlwd whatever they were did not make noise. So if he DID put that last sentence, then it would contradict his paragraph… So it’s not technically irrelevant, it undermines what the author said. Why would you be persuasive to make people assume that these creatures are silent, then later say that some people hear them?</p>
<p>these creatures? I think you have the passages mixed up. We’re talking about the arourialis passage where it asked if they should conclude the paragraph by saying “some people can hear the aurarioulis but scientists don’t know if that is true” I definitly think that that is the wrong awnsr.</p>
<p>What did you put UVA? C or D?</p>
<p>I’m not quite sure what awnsers C or D were but the awnser was that ending the passage with the hearing thing would weaken the authors point. It was rather obvious. I looked at the hearing thing and I immediatly knew, *** does this have to do with the conclusion paragraph. The conclusion is suposed to be a stron ending to the authors entire argument and adding in some random detail just weakens the conclusion. Trust me on this one… I suck at math/science but reading and english I’m good at…</p>
<p>Did you get no’s for like all the yes yes no no questions (like should you add this to the paragraph)</p>
<p>Yup I got no’s for nearly all the questions (I may have gotten no for all of them but tbh I dont quite remember.</p>
<p>I remember getting no for all of them! what a relief. and I’m pretty sure I put C for that last one. I thought it just messed up the ending</p>
<p>So are you saying it is the “irrelevant” answer or the other one? I’m saying the other one.</p>
<p>what do you mean irrelevant rokangel and what question are you talking about?</p>
<p>C was the irrelevant one. Wish that we remembered what the answers exactly said</p>